“Blanchett is a national treasure, and she is, quite frankly, better than this.”
“Blanchett is a national treasure, and she is, quite frankly, better than this.”
This is what I see as the top comment:
I actually haven’t seen anyone in this comment section say this. I have seen like four people saying what you just said, in different words.
And yes, there will be someone who points out the inevitable complaints, instead of just ignoring it and moving on. Why are we still engaging this portion of gamers?
uh, yeah... I thought the same exact thing.
Probably the best thing you can do for your back is not sit. You should stand. If you play on PC, get a standing desk. Obvi you don’t want to stand all the time, but the point is that you don’t put prolonged, consistent pressure on your back.
Because a very, very large chunk of people actually do like it. I’m part of that chunk. Another large chunk of people do not like it. That’s the chunk you’re in. It’s really pretty simple.
Thanks man!
Question for anyone who knows- does All materia exist? and can you link it? I’ve been watching a few people play and haven’t seen anyone use Cure All, or Fire All, etcetera, on anyone.
I understand what you mean, and am extremely nervous now. O_O
....... I mean.... lol?
“A remake is, by nature, an egotistical exercise.”
Would you recommend this installment to someone who gave up on Nioh 1 because of the controls/combat?
We never asked for a game of “THIS” quality. All we, collectively, as fans asked for is updated graphics and maybe a few new things here or there. We didn’t ask for an expanded story, or and FF15 hunt type system, or for Midgar to be an entire world unto itself, or anything else. While I’m not mad about it, and will…
I mean I get your perspective. I’ve been gaming since 91. Back then, if a game was just bad, you as a consumer and lover of good/great games just moved on. I think for certain tentpole franchises, it’s acceptable. Good ideas are still just ideas. Part of learning is failure. Constantly getting a 2nd or 3rd chance on…
Yeah but like... don’t you wonder if this culture of “I’m sorry it sucks, we’ll fix it” is part of the cause of all this? That this sort of “Fix it in post” attitude has bled into the mind’s of decision makers at these companies?
You don’t think seeing your mother’s face replace that of your lovers means something?
It is possible that no correction will come. But artifical inflation of the market by way of giving massive tax cuts to corporations, while wages remain stagnant, among other things, can’t be good.
I wonder what’ll happen to streamer’s income, come the next economic crash. Genuinely curious, not trolling. When times are tough, people tend to spend their few free dollars on some form of escapism.
“A lot of the mini-crises that fuel the character conflicts feel overly contrived, while the actual issues between people at the fictional studio kind of get papered over, especially between Poppy and Ian.”