True. And I can’t imagine that people who get hired at Sudio Gibhli just want to, like... coast? They are supremely talented artists who have given their all to live their dream. This isn’t some menial jobs we’re talkin’ about here.
True. And I can’t imagine that people who get hired at Sudio Gibhli just want to, like... coast? They are supremely talented artists who have given their all to live their dream. This isn’t some menial jobs we’re talkin’ about here.
Except that in order to even get a job working for Studio Ghibli in the first place, you need to be considered S-tier in his eyes. Why hire people that are dying to work for you just to threaten their jobs? It speaks to a lack of motivational skills. People resort to using fear because they aren’t actually skilled…
Other than the occasional WOW, Twilight Princess, and the occasional Wii game with friends, this was the only game I played during my whole 4 years at college. It really, really surprised me.
Thus far, my completion list for 2020 is: The Last of Us Remastered, Horizon: Zero Dawn, FF7 Remake, Life is Strange 2, and The Last of Us II. That’s already quite a full plate for me, so committing to finishing those five games is plenty for me.
You can play turn based if you want in the remake.
KH 1 and 2 made sense. But after that, they released multiple games on different consoles that seriously muddy the waters, and very few people played them, compared to the people that played 1 and 2.
You forgot to add the fact that there’s 12 other people in the car also telling your dad what to do - a manager, a second manager (possibly), an agent, a director, a producer, etcetera.
Agreed. It’s not so much that he’s white... although in a galaxy full of aliens, he could have been anything... but that his face just looks suuuper weird. Almost like a mannequin.
I’m pretty sure her face is plastered on posters throughout the game in a few levels that say “Meet Efi,” but yeah, I agree she’s in the background.
Yeah, it’s specifically African American women.
Ah ok. Thanks.
Just curious if Efi doesn’t count because you technically play as Orisa? I believe she somewhat controls her, or something like that. Obvi not the same as being on the battlefield herself.
What lore could it possibly break though? The geography and environments of Azeroth makes absolutely no effing sense, which is a pretty big factor in determining why people look the way they do. It’s such a nonissue.
Ah ok. Like I said it’s been years since I read it.
The point isn’t that they’re equivalent. I know they aren’t. The point is that the right to protest is the right to protest.
In the in game manual for Diablo II, it describes the sorceresses as being similar to the Amazons, in that that particular sect of them is all female. Just like how the Amazons are all female. I read that thing about a billion times as a kid. I believe it says the same for the druids.
I believe the rule as quoted is “... brings you into public disrepute, offends a portion or group of the public, or otherwise damages Blizzard image [sic].”
If you want to live in a world that’s better, then people who sign contracts that have broad terms need to bring those terms to light and discuss the potential they have. We no longer can afford to say “Oh he/she is young, they didn’t know what they were signing.” That’s what I’m saying.
I’m not being contrarian. If anything, you’re proving my point more. A broad, general statement - exactly how you described.