
So you think that someone is going to use what is basically a cartoon character to justify poor treatment of the mentally ill? No part of Sigma’s story justifies the way he’s treated.

Just because someone belongs to a particular group, societal or otherwise, and they just HAPPEN to be the only person in a piece of media in that group, doesn’t automatically make them the center of representation.

If we lived in a society where people could have simple, rational conversations about actual facts in order to win elections, then you’re right. But we don’t.

It’s because most of these people are trolls. There are a lot of genuinely sexist people out there. Many, many of them are not on Twitch. 

The nonexistence of FF characters ensured that I would never pick up this game. I love the other characters, but the initial attraction for me was “FF meets Disney.” Granted, it was always heavier on the Disney side - but fighting Sephiroth was in KH2 was a high moment in gaming for me. 

“Twitch Streamer Does Not Have Time...”

Yup. I’ve had The Witcher 3 on my shelf for 4 1/2 years and I’m just now finally getting to it. I love games and the culture in general, but it’s just insane.

This article makes me thing about two things in particular:

It’s almost as if they made a great game that people really wanted to play, and marketed it really well with dope trailers that had good writing and shit. Huh...

The best way to get jobs as a digital artist of any kind is to tailor your portfolio the studio(s) you are applying for. So this kind of design may be perfect for Studio A, and not Studio B.

Dude it always kills me to see this. 

That’s awesome. It’s honestly wild to me how WOW has been so innovative in some ways and completely lacking in others. The lead designer for FFXIV had mentioned that WOW was a huge inspiration for him, funnily enough.

Jesus Christ - WOW desperately needs this feature, especially for older raids and dungeons. Queue times for raids in WOW’s LFR is around an hour, and good luck doing raids from Legion if you didn’t get to them. Considering that most WOW raids now contain a decent dose of story content, you miss out on experiencing it.

Yeah that all makes sense. I personally would rather have a wide breadth of styles to look at. Variety is healthy.

I second this notion and have also noticed the change. I never really played but always admired the art and tried to copy them. It’s becoming very homogenized now.

Based on the character shots that went up today, I imagine they feel like this show is about two really cool women and Henry Cavill in a shitty wig.”

Yeah for real. I never played the OG game, but after watching some gameplay of it, one can easily tell it’s the nostalgia factor kicking in.

I would recommend Ergo Proxy as well.

Honestly dude, don’t watch these videos. Just watch the show and draw your own conclusions first.

Respawn may have just single-handedly saved Star Wars.”