
There’s a continuing talk (though not as big as I’d like) about how big of a priority storytelling should take in games - meaning, should it be #1 in dictating what developers make, or continue to be subject to the “needs” of the game, i.e. cutting story pieces here and there because there’s no time/money, etc... gran

I think the problem with saying “these aren’t story driven games” is this - you have a story. If it’s not good, it’s a huge detriment to your game. If it’s really good or even great, people will continue playing it, because they want to know what happens next. You aren’t just shooting things at random. So you better

This is the real question though, isn’t it? I’m wondering the same thing when it comes to Blizzard/Activision. I primarily play games for the story, unless it’s wholly multiplayer dependent, like Overwatch. Destiny 1, for instance, did so many things right - but its biggest flaw was that halfway through the main

Dude I don’t want to blow your mind - but voice actors who are black, white, hispanic, etc. often voice characters who are a completely different race from them! Shock and awe!

The way to get to Trump is through ridicule...

“I refuse to keep waiting.”

For sure. 

Yeah, like... are we just gonna pretend that Snoop Dogg doesn’t have stronger, better weed than the average joe? #factsoflife?

The title of the article would lead you to believe this article is specifically about “video games.” Because it specifically says “video games.” Tumblr is not a “video game.”

As someone who 1.) Has loved Blizzard games for years and 2.) treats story as my number one reason to play games - I agree that this news is very concerning.

Ooooh just you wait boi.

That’s not just “the Blizzard way” though. Though I don’t disagree with you, just adding to the fact that that’s literally ever game company that makes a multiplayer competitive game.

This isn’t just about streamers? This is about the pro’s being literally left in the dust.

As someone who was bullied a good bit, I would say that it’s not a one-size-fits-all thing. One of my bullies I literally ended up beating up, and the other I did actually totally ignore. In both situations, I came out the victor.

Honestly - kids shouldn’t HAVE to think about those kinds of things.

Nope, this is straight up “I like older, hot, smart, wealthy dudes and want to bang them” type of daddy material.

Lor’Themar has always been daddy material. Now he’s got the chiseled 3D model to prove it. Bless up.

My dude / dudette, I don’t want to simplify your problem - but you ain’t been fucked right.

At this point my dude, I don’t think it’s about what we gain. I think it’s about damage control and trying not to lose more.

The only dudes? As opposed to the thousands of faceless dudes who make all the stuff who work in the “industry?”