
Being half Armenian myself this will literally cause me to chuckle all day. Thank you.

Well I am and his question is still valid. I’m not a professional chef, but if you cook me a steak and you tell me it’s gonna be well done and it comes out rare, I don’t need to be a pro chef to know there’s a problem.

I feel like it depends on how much content is in there. If it legit is worth 25 bucks, then I'm down.

Stephen Colbert straight up asked if you can, quite literally, see other people. The devs answer was "Yes, but it's rare." That doesn't say no. It says "rare." No one is asking us to treat us like devs. But if you make me a salad, and you tell me "Yes this salad has gorgonzola in it but only a few pieces," and I go

But then the game would just lag like every other game...? Or am I dumb? Only occasionally in MMO's when servers are overloaded do I not see someone, but mostly it's just lag or getting booted off.

Kind of, but he definitely doesn't "save the day..." in fact all the samurai basically get mowed down by Gatling guns.

I dunno if you've seen this director's previous work, but he doesn't really make "saves the day" kind of films.

Because you’re not competing.

How did I do that, exactly?

Mmmm definitely not a racist just because I pointed out that Japan doesn’t have as much cultural diversity as America, and therefore the “awareness” just isn’t there. But yeah I can see how you can draw that conclusion from just one comment. Totally makes sense. Also, Pokemon Company has the final say on everything

It also allows you to have black hair, but its not the hair color that’s the issue. Its the style. neither the dude nor the chick can change their hairstyle at all.

It wasn't so much the addition of LFG, but that in Wrath the dungeons had perfectly tuned difficulties. Cata made things hard again and a LOT of people complained, so they made them a cakewalk.

I mean you have to know that Miyazaki is the director.... so yeah, at the end of the day, it’s his vision. I personally think art has suffered from the “collaborative effort” ideology in the last decade or so. All input should be considered, but you still have to have a strong leader at the end of the day. Taking in a

While I haven’t seen the movie, Harley regularly tries to kill Batman in almost every incarnation... on the regular. Man or woman, if you’re trying to kill me, you’re damn right I’m gonna punch your lights out / choke you out.

I found it pretty difficult but I was severely undergeared.

That's what made it so awesome! It was like if the Haunted Mansion at Disney got turned into a raid.

Haha the funny thing is he got rid of the Merc and bought a new Honda Civic XD he loves it.

I drive a 2011 Nissan Sentra and it has about 80K miles on it and I fucking love that car. I could buy something nicer but it's never given me problems. A guy in my building owns a Mercedes SLR and has brought it into the shop countless times. I'm like good luck buddy XD

My dad is kind of the same way. His father owned a house at 25, he went to a decent school, could play on high school sports teams, had a great community... not rich by any means, but they also went on vacations. Now he sits in his condo and plays on the stock market all day and complains about how Democrats want to

I know that if I leave my wifi on it screws with the GPS when I go for a jog.