The actual number of female streamers that do this is actually incredibly low. This whole thing gets blown way out of proportion.
The actual number of female streamers that do this is actually incredibly low. This whole thing gets blown way out of proportion.
Dude... so worth. Look at that fucker.
Do you guys still feel like it was a bad move for Nintendo to focus solely on Zelda this E3? I honestly think it was the most interesting thing at the whole convention.
I am concerned about those issues as well? Are we not allowed to talk about every issue? I will be voting for Hillary when it comes time. But that doesn’t mean that other problems don’t exist. The problem is that if Hillary is voted in than the desire to work out kinks in the Democratic Party will slowly abate and…
The problem is that people will "forget." The election will be over and no one will have the impetus to change what's wrong with the Democratic Party because all that fervent energy will have dissipated.
To where, exactly? Trump? The lines in the sand were drawn months ago. No one is going to change their mind now, especially not with the e-mail leak.
You’re right, my bad, that shit totally flew over my head. I’ve watched that fight twice before too. Where is my brain...? O_O
I really dunno why you don't have more stars.
But as the article correctly states, it’s broken as hell. I’ve watched my friends battle pokemon where they had a type advantage and if their cp was similar, up or down just a bit, it was still way too close of a match.
My biggest issue with that fight (I'm biased of course) is that Venusaur somehow doesn't know sleep powder...? Most OP move in Blue and Red so that's probably why they left it out.
When neither guarantee any success at all, better to do what you want.
I was thinking the same thing and I'm also an avid Kotaku reader. I mean Kotaku's not the only outlet, but yeah, haven't seen it around.
Yeah exactly. I also don't think a lot of people think about the thousands of jobs at game studios that may not be hands on related with making the actual games... but you could start in a different area other than creative development. Sure, you may want to be the one "making" the game, but you could work in that…
Honestly, I was super hyped for Pokémon Go and I enjoy playing it. But I definitely did not expect it to be such a massive hit with people. As a side note, I find most of my enjoyment comes from not playing the game quickly, just taking it as a thing of leisure and seeing whatever pops up.
Spoilers :
I haven’t watched Hannibal yet and everyone tells me I should because Gillian Anderson is my not-so-secret, make believe girlfriend.
It would depend on the sensitivity of said testicles...
I was (am, I guess) a nineties rich kid repub who now is liberal... the world is a mysterious place.
I actually started listening to them a few days ago after hearing semicharmed on the radio for the first time in years... and honestly, they are a good band.