A Bros-
A Bros-
R.I.P. Butch Trucks
I’m like your friend too, with chronic pain causing illnesses. Before opioid pain relievers I wasn’t able to live, and probably would’ve killed myself from the constant unbearable pain.
Yeah, I’ve been on long term opioids (years) and will be for the rest of my life. I’ve never been addicted, taken too much, enjoyed it, etc. Not everyone who takes Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Fentynyl, etc. becomes an addict. I’m so sorry for the people who do. But for those of us who have no other options, they’re a life…
I take opiods for chronic pain and honestly it’s a ginormous pain in the ass. Everything is tightly controlled and I have to be extremely careful about how I take them because I can’t get prescriptions filled early. And I get random drug tests to make sure I’m taking the meds as prescribed.
It really says...something that I had to scroll this far down to see this point of view. YES, thank you for saying this. The drug itself is not the devil. Sure, the pharmaceutical industry is evil and trying to make money, yes. But these drugs also give people in horrible pain immense relief. Sometimes pain cannot be…
They shouldn’t be prescribing this at all for long term chronic pain that can be managed with other drugs or methods. However, a close friend is on serious, hardcore opioids for severe arthritis, and possibly bone cancer (has the symptoms, but testing is inconclusive, scans show ‘activity’ but not specifically what,…
The Neville Brothers - Fire And Brimstone
I don’t consider her the voice of my generation (she’s two years younger). She’s a spoiled little rich bitch. Wtf does she know? I came here for a better life from a suckier country , many of my friends did and none of us think like her or made comments like “I’m moving to Canada”. Why? Because we know how fuckin good…
Well we chronic pain patients go through all kinds of shit with ignorant people! Yes, there are medical conditions (like RSD/CRPS 1), what I have, that require Opioid therapy or you WILL be pushed to suicide from the disabling pain. It’s actually called ‘The Suicide Disease’ because of the high number of people who…
It’s another aspect of anti intellectualism and not trusting experts. I don’t know what the hell you do with that.
I was on a date with a woman and we were talking about how I take antidepressants. She asked if I’d tried “healing my depression through alternative medicine”. I told her, “no, because if I tried ‘healing my depression’ through ‘alternative medicine’ my next step would be painting the walls with my brains.” I have…
This complicates how we look at what led to his death, but doesn’t lessen the tragedy of his death, doesn’t devalue the loss felt by his family, friends, Miami and the Cuban-American community.
I’m kind of baffled by all the smug, “It was OBVIOUSLY fake!” comments. I mean, you had no problem believing the stories about a little girl with cloven hooves, months of 911 calls from a murdered woman, or a cat vanquishing an invisible demonic force, but a magic armoire was a bridge too far?
I had a Tio Nico who wasn’t there. When I was really little, we used to live in a one bedroom house. You walked into the living room, to the right was the bedroom which also had the only bathroom in the house and a large walk-in closet. From the living room you could see the tiny kitchen and from the kitchen you…
See this is so much more terrifying than fake imaginary furniture stories. The scariest thing to happen to me was I went to a concert in a not great part of the city and all the parking was on the street and apparently street lights hadn’t been invented yet so it was dark as balls. Decided to leave early and on the…
I would have thought that it was a distraction from her failed assassination attempt on Mike Pence.
Criminy, that’s awful!
Ah man I cant believe I missed the window to submit. Honestly I look forward to this every year. Might as well write mine here in case anyone wants additional reading.
Oh thank God. I thought Jezebel was going to miss their daily deadline of being insufferable.