
The correct and more accurate legal term is “not guilty,” which shouldn’t be confused with innocent. No one is ever found “innocent “ in a court of law.

I’m so lame for not recognizing your handle! Haha.

Great, great song.


I’m good and glad to be back. Didn’t recognize your new handle. Nice!

Now playing

Los Lobos and Susan Tedeschi. What’s Going On?

Now playing

A NOLA treasure. It’s Raining. You never cease to amaze, Jonee.

It’s a brutal test to study for and worse to take. I did it at 41 in one state and again a few years later in a different state. Years later, I still feel the dread when I recall the experience. Give yourself a break.; you need one. Then, take it again if you want. It will open career doors even if you decide against

I have RA and initially took methotrexate and a weekly humira injection. The methotrexate caused my hair to start thinning and nausea. I dropped that med after I got my flares under control and still take the humira. Methotrexate is a nasty but effective medication. (It did help bring my RA under control.) I keep

Bravo. All the stars. Bitter Titan fan who was glad to see Jeff go.

Or rural Tennessee.

Late post, but I’m catching up on reading, so I guess I’m really just replying to you, a fellow gray. This is, I think, the bigger question that people ignore as they focus on the bathroom issue. I don’t think it’s intolerant to suggest that parents and schools are concerned about locker rooms and kids showering or

Best advice. Seeing him or contact of any kind will only weaken the heartbroken, who’s already in a fragile emotional state. And, as you said, closure comes from within, definitely not from the lying heartbreaker. However tempting it is to keep reaching out with the hope that love can be salvaged, because I doubt she


I did some looking as well. Still looking. Great post.

Now playing

Great song. Here’s Albert King and Stevie Ray Vaughan. Born Under A Bad Sign.

I have the same dilemma, because I truly despise Kelly. Conversely, I’m trying to view the situation and issues, because important feminist issues are the crux here. I hate to see those issues get blurred. But I sure as hell am not a Kelly apologist and don’t want to be viewed as defending her.

Thank you for your civil reply. I often hesitate to comment these days.

I’m no Kelly fan. I was responding to a statement she could make regarding her experience at her workplace, in which she could say she didn’t share a similar Carlson experience, which would serve no purpose as many people now surmise either she did and won’t tell, or she slept her way up. Yay feminists. Otherwise, I

There is also the possibility Kelly has nothing to add to the conversation if she was never approached in the way other women have alleged. Should Kelly make such a statement, it would result in a pile on by nonbelievers questioning her veracity. As has been noted many times in other cases and perhaps already in this