I was outside smoking when that happened, and yes: I must see this. Get on it, Burke!
The math checks out. He did his time, yeah, but still, fuck him with knives.
Crush him beneath your bootheels and hear the lamentations of his women.
You know they cost money, right? Money that some people might not have?
Nicely done, MENSA.
Columbus is moot. The Buckeyes run that town. To say nothing of the Bengals, the Steelers and (I guess) the Browns.
13-3?? What the hell kind of anti-logic was used to come up with that? That was a 9-7 team if everything broke perfectly.
Seeing this laid out like this, I’m kind of staggered. I knew it was bad; I had no idea it was that bad.
What the fuck does that even mean? It’s a hoodie. How the hell do you “engineer” a hoodie?