I mean, all things considered, he’s not exactly wrong about this:
I mean, all things considered, he’s not exactly wrong about this:
I’m sorry, but I dunno how or why something like “blind playthrough” was somehow construed into being a negative connotation. No one correlates the phrase to actual blind people, and neither is the phrase “blind playthrough” or “going in blind” used as a pejorative like “gay” actually was, why is this even a thing?…
No, I’m going to have to side with this just being extra PC. “Blind” as a term for a “first time through, with no previous experience or knowledge” has been a thing for....ever really. It’s not something I most people would confuse with or expect to be an actual blind person.
Choose different words why, exactly, when the dictionary lists 14 other definitions of the word “blind,” none of which involve blind people being discriminated against. Who is running around using blind as a pejorative? Nobody is, that’s who.
I was really interested to see Jezebel’s take on “The Queen’s Gambit.” I’ve been looking for it for two weeks now. And finally I get...a meditation on wallpaper. I’m extremely disappointed.
Sunshine is probably my second least favorite Mario platformer (just beating out Lost Levels). There’s a lot of things to like about the game, but every time I find it, there’s another 3 or 4 things that remind me how annoying the game is.
Plenty of detail and thought went into the story. I’d say it clearly took more planning than the first game’s story. I get that people have problems with where they took characters in the game, but the idea that the story wasn’t well thought out is just negative hyperbole.
“Eyes are one of those things that are immediately immersion breaking — if something’s off, you’ll notice it, and you’ll never be able to unsee it.”
Yeah. Kotaku writers need to load this site without an adblock before making any comments how any other service does ads.. Or whether it fucking sucks or not.
Is life really that bad for you kids? So much gloom and negativity. I’d hate to see what you would be like if you had to live through REALLY bad times. Like the depression, or World War II. Or waiting to see if you would be drafted and sent to Vietnam.
If you told me that footage was from an xbox 360 halo game I would have believed you, and then yawned.
You couldn’t get away in some of the first game’s encounters either. The bloater in the gymnasium in Lincoln was unavoidable, literally. Same with the bloater with Ellie and David in the winter chapter. There were other encounters with humans that were like that as well.
There’s no sneaking at all with this guy, you’re stuck with it until it dies and it can follow you because there’s water everywhere, so you always make noise.
I found it fun! And stressful.
When I fought the Rat King, I thought I killed the little spawned thing (I guess I mistook a stagger for dying) shortly after it spawned. Years of MMO playing taught me to kill the add first. So when I killed the Rat King I started looting the area to replenish my ammo think everything was safe. Abbey even did that…
I mean, it’s not really supposed to be a tactical, dynamic fight, it’s supposed to be a mad scramble just to stay alive while you unload every single bullet and pipe bomb you have into the thing. The game stocks you up plenty beforehand and there’s ammo littered everywhere in the environment where the fight takes…
Since you’re in Room 302 ( it says so in the note, and you can go out in the hallway and see for yourself), and apartment numbers typically count up by evens or odds on one side of a hall, I concluded that the combination was either 30-23-00 or 30-23-04. I tried both, and sure enough, one of them worked.
That last image.
The next time you find yourself in a pitched gun battle, one that seems to be on the verge of going the wrong way, I want you to bail.
I feel like you guys are writing this fluff pieces paid by sony.