
Modesty boot?  You mean dust boot?

Some people are smart enough to deal with these things.  It's ok that you can't.


Maybe they were the babies? Maybe they should grow up and realized this is not 1st grade, an “Ally” is a stupid concept in society, and the fix is to treat everyone the same. Anything else just makes it worse.  

Wtf? Are you that shallow? The tarrifs he put in effect are to combat similar behavior in China. The end goal is no tarrifs and equal footing for American companies. You think that’s not worth fighting for? You are defending a practice that’s helping China build up an unstoppable military force. See what you think in

Consider telling the truth.  It's not Trump's tarrifs.  It's China's tarrifs that are the issue.  If China stopped it's lopsided trade practice, the tarrifs on goods built there disappear.  So, what you are doing is supporting China's position.  All just to take a political dig.

You write some dumb stuff...this is just more of it.

Good job. You now have a shit ton of racists commenting here claiming to be victims of racism...

What? You can’t see black cars? Why do mfg’s go to such lengths to camo them if black will do? I think it’s just you bro. Dumb article.

I don’t think “notches on the bed post” has the meaning you think it does?

More people were watching on fox sports go than fs2. Just FYI.

Ok, so we can now put an ass whipping on people for what we consider racist? Ok, I will keep that in mind. Most of what I read on this site is racist.

It wasn’t 5 years ago their quality was crap...

Stop lying. You don’t know any white people. To you they are a living meme. If you had grown up around them, lived with them on your street, you would not act like a punk. At least I read your article. Got your view brother. I read a racist talking about other racists.

This article reads: “Dumb...dumb...dumb...dumb”. Waste of my time.

There is no way a 365hp, 3800lb, front engine car hits 60 in 4.4 seconds. No way.

Wow, hurt actual citizens to help non citizens? You people just get nuttier and nuttier every day. Your world view and what you will do to your own countrymen amazes me. All because you think it’s morally right. Its only morally right in the mindset you have today. When the Republicans shutdown the government, there

Or maybe, just maybe, you look at yourself and honestly admit your racist? Your skin tone does not give you immunity. If you can replace the word “white” with any other race and it’s racist, your article is racist. Period. Your speaking to what you think is a bunch of like minded people who echo your statements right

I am white. I read you all the time. You are racist . Why even act like your not? You have a million words in many many stories that show your racist. Don’t be a punk and back down. Just own what you are.

Really? Stop putting your cultural bull on other countries. SJW to the end.