I remember when Car and Driver announced this number was 200hp...
I remember when Car and Driver announced this number was 200hp...
Hmm...I have an idea. Why not, instead of being jerks, don’t the listen and ask genuine questions? Maybe things they don’t understand about people outside their homes positions? Maybe learn people in this country are not enemies because they have different opinions on how to make things better?
Your bitter...and just a little too sjw for my tastes. Everything is due to bigotry. Stop poisoning minds.
Dude, that’s his right leg, not his left.
You have 2 problems here. 1) Your attempt at belittling the people you perceive as your opponent (white people), means you never take the the time to understand their meaning. 2). You group white people all together as if we have big ass meetings where we decide things.
What world do you live in? Family court benefits men? Get out there and break out of your fantasy world.
Your not very smart. You have never been separated from your child. My guess is you really know nothing about life period. In 10 years you will laugh at how dumb you were.
Only one problem with that...this is supposed to be a sports car with a high top speed. Its going to need down force that will negate some of that drag efficiency.
You know this is kind of blah blah blah. Japan is a closed market to most foreign goods. But that’s ok cause they are not white people.
Yeah...you were wrong and can’t admit it. You reported on reported comments taken out of context. He said nothing wrong and his intent is to benefit Americans. Thats horrible right? Someday you will realize just how little you really understand. You might be generating clicks but you are not helping.
Rebutting someone trying to Foster division at any chance. What are you doing and whats your point?
Ha ha, if something in a city can be sold for value, it will be stolen. Sooo, how do they keep these from be scavanged for parts?
Or maybe your interpretation is wrong? Maybe he was working on convincing himself the scene was ok? Maybe the artist was working through his own feelings about his arc? You analysis only works if YOU are the author. Your reasons are your own, not his.
Ok? The point on art is to stir up feelings. Not all of them good. The funny thing is we often make our own story out of art. Its telling that you concocted a backstory that reflected subservient female sexuality. People like you are always looking for something to get offended about. You could have just been…
It’s not the benchmark for anything. Its a heavy, not so pretty car that drives itself. Might as well be a video game with all the assists turned on. I am surprised it has no HUD projecting the driving line. Maybe in the next refresh.
You are a straight fool. If we are all bad, why are you here? Why did blacks not leave years ago? Because the majority of people are not like that and the alternative in other countries is worse. You race baiters and agitators need to stop trying to include all these different “oppressed people” in you rants. Its…
Your a weird dude. 1995? I was building custom PC’s as a business by then. You don’t have to prove anything? Then shut up. Sounds like your wasting time trying to prove something you don’t have to. Sounds like Insanity to me.
Why does this matter? So if Nazi interests intersect with your own, you will abandon your position on something? Your looking for an excuse.
The glorification? When is the last time people treated these statues are holy places? They are just statues and you are looking for a cause.
Not true. The Confederacy was not about slavery. The union did not fight to abolish it. Thats all you know because you accept what teachers with agendas taught you. Enlighten yourself and your self righteous attitude will change.