
A little late to the party today so this may get buried, but I was thinking about this yesterday and had to share (I promise this is relevant it may just take me a while to get there):

It’s viscerally embarrassing to read. I suddenly feel ashamed of all the obviously, transparently performative emails I’ve written to smart boys in a desperate bid to get laid.

If only that were true. The yoga world is just as catty and back-bitey and gossipy as the fashion world, only with more rocks with meaningful words carved into them.

I've been searching for someone to address this possibility from the moment I switched off the episode. For all of its shortcomings, the absolute dread I felt the moment she found that needle is a testament to how invested I felt in the outcome of the episode

Yes, I had this exact anxiety, especially when I saw that dirty needle. That was my first thought and freaked out, but then decided Girls probably wouldn’t go that direction (for the same reasons IrisJ said).