So a cartoon battlefield is too much to handle.
So a cartoon battlefield is too much to handle.
Yeah. After his last few reviews I expected questionable takes (this one is mild compared to some, but it’s a ground-up hybrid and excels at it, don’t know what else you’d want), but I expected better photography out of the guy that have us his last name as a verb with a photo so iconic I have it on a Blip shirt.
Noticed this too. So much lens flare and blurriness. And straighten the steering wheel before taking pictures please!
3rd and 4th gen Prius are downright gorgeous. They have pronounced flowing lines, daring curves. They’re a unique design.
People never believe it when I tell them that statistically an Engineer/Conductor is going to kill someone at some point during their career. The ones that haven’t yet are dreading their first. One of my absolute favorite Engineers that I ever worked with had 14 “jumpers”, or suicides, in her 25+ years. She still had…
Being part of a railroad family I can assure you that trains hitting tractor trailers, cars, and people (routinely) is an unfortunate fact of the job. The reality that the video doesn’t show is the engineer on the floor of the locomotive praying to God that this isn’t there last moment on earth and thinking about…
So, you mean to say, in 15 years, one with an original top will be a “Holy Grail”?
NOW we need an etymologist.
Of all the things that can fly, who decided this bug would be the thing that gets the name?
Picture # 2 captures that tense moment of waiting on the results of the paternity test.
I’ll hold judgement until I can test it, but for now I’ll say.
I’m sure they don’t have reams of market analysis to guide their product line decisions.
Is... is this a reference to something specific, or just a “just for fun” kind of article? All the comments seem to be in on the joke and I feel like a fool!
Comment offering very legitimate career opportunity making $7,000 a month working from home, possibly doing video game blogs.
Comment asking to be let out of the grays.
Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a…