Fake Tough Guy

There is no denying that nepotism, in a profession dominated by one race, will restrict access to said profession for the other races. That is fact. Now, while I agree that racial injustice is far down on the list of reasons why this nepotism enjoys a healthy existence I disagree that it is not worth mentioning.

How about I think of the failed “war on drugs” which pushes the supply and distribution of drugs to the cartels the next time I do coke, instead?

Okay, so who would you rather have? Please don’t come back with an “it doesn’t matter because its never going to actually happen” type of answer. People speak in hypotheticals all the time because they can and do add value to a discussion.

Nah, after reading the thread I’d hafta say you’re the one that is “all worked up” here.

I believe he is referencing an obvious disconnect between our politicians and the people that voted them in office. One could easily argue that the needs of your average citizen are being neglected in favor of special interests and the uber wealthy- who comprise a small percentage of the votes that are needed to get

Because if you’re talking about the type of socialism that comes with a planned economy and public ownership of production that would be a terrible idea.

Come on dude, he’s not trying to make a case for a pure democracy and you know it. For that matter, neither is anybody else who dares call our government a democracy. Whenever I hear the “we’re not a democracy, we’re a republic” arguement I cringe. Its implicitly acknowledged, and for obvious reasons,

We have a republican style of government with democratically elected political institutions (aside from the courts and appointees). If you don’t consider that to still count as being a democracy then there is no such thing as democracy I guess.

+1 March to the Sea

You don’t see the hypocrisy in those words? For some reason, the team felt compelled to send a tweet shaming interns into not asking for money to do their job. Yet they’ve had their hand out looking for public money to build their private stadium. Seems kind of ridiculous, no?

OP didn’t mentiom Russia at all. Whether you realize it or not, you’ve just invoked a straw man to make your point - which, coincidentally, has nothing to do with the original post. You did what came to do tho, critcize the left. Sooooo, congrats?

According to a sginificant amount of American local news website commenters a jail/prison stay is comparable to a week at a 5 star resort. Who wouldn’t be smiling for their mugshot?

I honestly can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a mugshot with a height chart in the background.

Americans want freedom from an overbearing government? Well, maybe for themselves they do, but if it’s for someone else with a different political view or different values they want as much jackbootery as possible. Come on now.

These guys never seem to amaze me. You gotta love his screename too.

So, if tylenol and caffeine are ok then where is your line in the sand? I’m not trying to be antagonistic. Rather, I’m slightly perplexed by your rationale.

Sure does

Thats is one of hell of a takeaway from all of this.

What are you feelings on tylenol?

I heard the North Carolina Strawmen are going to be really good this year.