I dunno. They probably need some sort of a leader who will #makebearsgreatagain.
I dunno. They probably need some sort of a leader who will #makebearsgreatagain.
Ah, yes, hideball is upon us!
I think the whole idea here is that there are better people out there who would run your pension fund for cheaper. So, they are being motherfuckers. Not for your sake, but theirs.
Who are you decide what the appropriate emotional response is for someone else’s subjective experience? If someone reacts a certain way to a certain situation then let them. It’s not hurting anybody.
His language is really a veryyy sophisticated tool used for illiciting a stimulus response from rednecks.
I always thought 150% of Sweden’s total population was chock filled with immigrants. Confirmed.
Hernando County guy here.
You are a troll. Whatever candidate you may or may not, even, be supporting has either already lost or will lose. This makes you feel angry and nearly empty inside. So, like a child, your sole purpose is to make everybody feel what you feel now: the shameful feeling of being a loser. Except that you’re not even very…