Fake Socks™

Being not nice to war criminals sends the message that being a war criminal is bad. I’m not certain why this is confusing at all.

It's a Ferengi slur. 

Don’t forget waterboarding, folks!

Yeah, I think we’re all surprised when anyone who even feints at being a good person wholeheartedly supports ear criminals. I don’t think “don’t be nice to war criminals” is a really intensive purity test to apply to people.

Sorry, but as a Muslim, Bush has yet to apologize for the Iraq War, promoting Defense of Marriage Act, causing the 2008 Financial Crisis and prolonging Islamophobia. He is literally the reason why we have Trump. 

Uh, easy, the less CGI the better and doing the whole ‘car under the trailer sequence’ again as nod to the first movie was uh, cheesy. At least do it practical if you’re going to do it.

Simmer down Pattinson

Rogue One felt pretty epic to me, even though it didn’t feature any of the central characters from the saga in prominent roles. (Faux-Tarkin had a fair amount of lines, but he was only in ANH before that.) The space battle at the end is easily the best action sequence in any of the new movies, and overall it feels the

Rian Johnson answered every question posed by the Force Awakens, just not the standard trope answers. In the end the story ended up the same place as Ep. 5.

No, not really. I had a annual pass a decade ago. I would be in Orlando for a conference a couple of times a year, and then Gay Days... It made sense to buy a pass for even going a few times a year. This is no longer true, as I cannot afford that anymore, and I still go a few times a year.

The Last Jedi was far better than The Force Awakens. It’s either the 3rd or 4th best entry in the series, only behind New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, and competing heavily with Return of the Jedi.

I remember right after Disney announced they bought Star Wars, Bob Iger said that he would see to it personally that there was a new Star Wars movie every year going forward.

Iger is a classist piece of shit. He’s intentionally pricing the poor and middle class out of the parks to turn it into a rich peoples resort only. Fuck that guy. We made Disney. We can unmake it.

The Mandalorian, IMO, will likely decide for Disney if live action Star Wars as a viable, expanded universe can work with mainstream media audiences.

He’s probably right. Part of the big appeal of Star Wars movies, for the first twenty years or so, was that there weren’t a lot of them. Even when the prequels came out, you got the feeling that weren’t going to sit in a theater and see a brand-new Star Wars for the first time more than a half-dozen or so times in

Sigh. Guess it’s time for me to lean all the way into my age and prep myself for a flood of “ok boomer” replies, to wit:

I just don't get why voters won't take another look at the woman who's trailing Andrew Yang in her home state.

Harris’ “perpetually overlooked” campaign? You mean her “dead in the water, kaput, Resting In Peace, completely and irreversibly fucked” campaign? 

I didn’t realise that about Mel and Sue. What a clever and heartwarming approach.