Fake Socks™

It’ll be 15 silver dragons if you bundle it with the raven and courier service. 

I have a good feeling about this!

I’ve got a good feeling about this.

Many of us liked his SW movie

I want a Star Wars murder mystery. Directed by Rian Johnson. And starring Daniel Craig as the same Stormtrooper from The Force Awakens.

As predicted, Disney saw the final season of GOT and said “dear God, what have we done?”.

Now we just need an official official cancellation of the Confederacy project which frankly after reading the other article about how they had no plan for GoT makes complete sense. 

It’d be so hilarious to me if that turns out to be the case. If not his trilogy, then a series on Disney+ or something. Either way, him staying.

So does this mean the Rian Johnson trilogy is a go?

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if a million voices suddenly cried out in glee and were suddenly raucous. I fear something amazing has happened. 


Y’aar ..it be a mystery how all those landlubbers outside the US and Canada , not sailin’ in the Disney+ waters be going to get through this ...y’aar. 

The twist: He loves it because it’s coarse and irritating and gets... everywhere.

The spoiler is that you’re both gigantic nerds. 

The Mandalorian has a “dramatic” Star Wars spoiler in its first episode

“Luke’s father is.. Chewbaca!” 

I just sort of realized - there is no need to tell the Judge any of this, because Matt from Accounting is witnessing it all through the obelisk.  I’d sort of forgotten about him until they showed it over Tahani’s shoulder at Mindy’s place.  (Whither Mindy?)  I wonder what exactly he’s accounting for at this point.  He

Lots of great bits. Glad they addressed Tahani seemingly not doing much this season. A solid episode all around, But I couldn’t help but feel like both plots were fighting to be the A Plot this episode. The Eleanor and Tahani plot had more room for jokes, which in a comedy, is most important, but it didn’t seem to

It can be two things.