Fake Socks™

Well, murder is illegal, so if someone kills this guy, someone else will see it and help the authorities with the investigation.

He's a PERSON and his name's ANAKIN. 

Ron Swanson.  It had better be Ron Swanson.

Oh please let it be John McCain

The sentient peacock that controls the network will make its first public appearance

For some reason, 30 Rock’s Kenneth comes to mind.

So wait, we didn’t go to entirely new worlds in the new films? Ultimately what is he wanting? Pandora? We’ve been to nearly every single type of world so far so of course they’re gonna start getting repetitive. Where else can they go?

On the other hand, if the Academy did want to give Marvel an Oscar (and I’m not saying they do), a case could be made for Endgame as the culmination of everything up to that point, in the same way that Return of the Kings clean sweep was really about rewarding the whole trilogy rather than that film specifically.

Its gonna be Kamilah isn’t it?

Blake Bortles is finally getting his due!

Disney: “Here’s the new Star Wars!”

What’s wrong with being sexy?

Where were the hamfisted, poorly concealed racial stereotypes dressed up as aliens? How come we didn’t see a single quorum call or point of order in front of the Galactic Senate? Why weren’t there any adorable moppets running around and getting into hijinks? How come they filmed on sets and on location when they have

One can hope the next announcement is benioff and weiss got the boot.

The cringe fest that is Ep 1-3 and the butchering of the original trilogy with the “Special Editions” nullifies any complaints George Lucas has about what Disney has done. Sour grapes because his ideas were probably terrible. 

I loved Endgame too but let’s be honest, it’s a fanboys dream of a comic book come to life full of “I understood that reference” moments.  IW was a better contender for an Oscar.

Feige just has to produce better movies to be recognized is all, and sorry Endgame ain’t it.

My favorite Chyron gag in the movie:


“Aunt Man”

Eh, even originally Crank Yankers was a pale imitation of The Jerky Boys.