Fake Socks™

Great Job, Interneter!

Great Job, Interneter!

I'm actually feeling remarkably calm today, in large measure due to not being subjected to the Trump Atrocity of the Day, and being slightly annoyed throughout the day by clickbait articles and dumb "Great" Job, Internet! posts.

I'm actually feeling remarkably calm today, in large measure due to not being subjected to the Trump Atrocity of the Day, and being slightly annoyed throughout the day by clickbait articles and dumb "Great" Job, Internet! posts.

I'm actually feeling remarkably calm today, in large measure due to not being subjected to the Trump Atrocity of the Day, and being slightly annoyed throughout the day by clickbait articles and dumb "Great" Job, Internet! posts.

The AV Club is the real iZombie AMIRITE

The AV Club is the real iZombie AMIRITE

Thanks for the link! I am checking it out…it looks like it might be my jam. I guess in the wake of the Kinjapocalypse I'll be hanging out at several different sites rather than just one. In any case, as long as I'm still wasting as much time as possible at work, I'm happy.

Thanks for the link! I am checking it out…it looks like it might be my jam. I guess in the wake of the Kinjapocalypse I'll be hanging out at several different sites rather than just one. In any case, as long as I'm still wasting as much time as possible at work, I'm happy.

Thanks for the link! I am checking it out…it looks like it might be my jam. I guess in the wake of the Kinjapocalypse I'll be hanging out at several different sites rather than just one. In any case, as long as I'm still wasting as much time as possible at work, I'm happy.

Thanks for the link! I am checking it out…it looks like it might be my jam. I guess in the wake of the Kinjapocalypse I'll be hanging out at several different sites rather than just one. In any case, as long as I'm still wasting as much time as possible at work, I'm happy.

I haven't seen Omega Man since my parents took me to see it when I was way too young, but I had nightmares for a long time afterward. For some reason the part that freaked me out was the very end, I think the scene went to some kind of polarized effect just as the credits rolled. It scared the shit out of me!

I haven't seen Omega Man since my parents took me to see it when I was way too young, but I had nightmares for a long time afterward. For some reason the part that freaked me out was the very end, I think the scene went to some kind of polarized effect just as the credits rolled. It scared the shit out of me!

I didn't think I'd be surprised, since I've commented on Kinja sites before, but the wrongness of it was extremely jarring and depressing. I try to avoid being that guy who declares things "unusable" whenever anything changes, but I genuinely cannot participate there anymore.

I didn't think I'd be surprised, since I've commented on Kinja sites before, but the wrongness of it was extremely jarring and depressing. I try to avoid being that guy who declares things "unusable" whenever anything changes, but I genuinely cannot participate there anymore.

It is weird…and awful. The end of an era!

It is weird…and awful. The end of an era!

Whoever that Nina Lemone is, they are — objectively — an idiot.

Whoever that Nina Lemone is, they are — objectively — an idiot.

Keep the faith!