Fake Socks™

I haven't seen Omega Man since my parents took me to see it when I was way too young, but I had nightmares for a long time afterward. For some reason the part that freaked me out was the very end, I think the scene went to some kind of polarized effect just as the credits rolled. It scared the shit out of me!

I didn't think I'd be surprised, since I've commented on Kinja sites before, but the wrongness of it was extremely jarring and depressing. I try to avoid being that guy who declares things "unusable" whenever anything changes, but I genuinely cannot participate there anymore.

I didn't think I'd be surprised, since I've commented on Kinja sites before, but the wrongness of it was extremely jarring and depressing. I try to avoid being that guy who declares things "unusable" whenever anything changes, but I genuinely cannot participate there anymore.

It is weird…and awful. The end of an era!

It is weird…and awful. The end of an era!

Whoever that Nina Lemone is, they are — objectively — an idiot.

Whoever that Nina Lemone is, they are — objectively — an idiot.

Keep the faith!

Keep the faith!

I remember that too. If that has changed, excellent.

I remember that too. If that has changed, excellent.

I fucking hate this.

I fucking hate this.

I fucking hate this.

I hung out there a year or so ago, and I liked everyone there, but there is definitely more of an issue with groupthink and drama. Especially where politics are concerned, I saw a few people hounded out of the community. The problem I think is that there are some pretty aggressive individuals who are on the "correct"

I hung out there a year or so ago, and I liked everyone there, but there is definitely more of an issue with groupthink and drama. Especially where politics are concerned, I saw a few people hounded out of the community. The problem I think is that there are some pretty aggressive individuals who are on the "correct"

So, everyone who is still reading this page, are you heading to another community, like the Avocado or the Tolerability Index forum? I've been active at the Avocado before, but am not sure if I can make that work with my current job situation. I might start camping out at Nathan Rabin's blog.

So, everyone who is still reading this page, are you heading to another community, like the Avocado or the Tolerability Index forum? I've been active at the Avocado before, but am not sure if I can make that work with my current job situation. I might start camping out at Nathan Rabin's blog.

Same here with Banshee — I would never have gone near it if not for the reviews here. (Would AVC even deign to cover that show today? Doubtful.)

Same here with Banshee — I would never have gone near it if not for the reviews here. (Would AVC even deign to cover that show today? Doubtful.)