Fake Socks™

"All around me darkness gathers, fading is the sun that shone. We must speak of other matters; you can be me when I'm gone."

I'll never let go, Doctuar!

Something that just occurred to me…if everyone who is on the page right now doesn't refresh the page, can we just go on commenting on Disqus even if they've actually switched over to Kinja?

I'm sorry that I didn't build you a stronger commenting system, young Riley!

Disqus: I'm not dead!
Dead Collector: What?
Kinja: Nothing. There's your nine pence.
Disqus: I'm not dead!
Dead Collector: 'Ere, he says he's not dead.
Kinja: Yes he is.
Disqus: I'm not.
Dead Collector: He isn't.
Kinja: Well, he will be soon, he's very ill.
Disqus: I'm getting better.
Kinja: No you're not, you'll be stone dead


For Our Fapsideration

You always were an asshole, flamingwombat!

I predict that most of the people who choose to stick around will get used to the new format. I don't know if I will, since I am 0 for 3 at being able to tolerate Kinja at other sites.

Jonah Ray…wow, that was awful. Second only to the one for the Seal song that had to be taken offline because of the outcry.

Even though most of them were awful, I miss HateSong. If nothing else, they usually provoked interesting discussions.

They'll just be agonized screams into the void.


I generally like the io9 staff (although the content is iffy). The commenters, though…ugh.



Today will be a day long remembered. It has seen the death of Disqus, and will soon see the end of The A.V. Club.
— Darth Ernie


Sounds legit to me!
— Vincent Adultman

I actually love this idea.