Fake Socks™

But those are the major movie blogs, along with prominent news sites NewzyNews, Herb's Happenings, and Whazzzzzzzup.

I feel for the Macrons. The powerful disinfectants needed to clean all that Trump off of their hands must be extremely harsh on the skin.

What do you call this type of take? There must be a term for this!

Old 97s!! If we could afford it, my wife and I would probably just follow them around the country Grateful Dead style.

Potentially too soon!

This sounds a little challenging for my ears. I think I'll need to start with Shabazz Bungalows, or perhaps a Shabazz Pup Tent.


Uhhhhhhh yes please

I once dated a girl — we were both in our mid-20s — and the first time I visited her place, I, as an avid book lover, immediately checked out her bookshelf. Her book collection consisted of two shelves of Goosebumps books. It was the first and only time R.L. Stine's work sent a chill down my spine.

Request: cancel coverage of this terrible show and start covering Claws instead!

The punk band X, however, is gon' give it to the IRS, because they're an upstanding musical organization in full compliance with federal tax laws.

Well I think it sounds Fat!

This protest would have been a lot more effective if it had been FREMEN, amirite Dune fans???


I want to ask what happened next, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't believe it!

I want to watch this show, but I'm just not confident that I'd enjoy it.

I feel like I mist the joke here…

You are rtieiteifepw vflkf!

You'll just have to imagine all that could have been.

I'm pretty sure that if I ever actually had met Bowie, it would've turned out like his cameo on Extras.