Fake Socks™

Why is this not already on the air

I have to admit, given your username it would be kind of funny if you were nibbled to death by horses.

the fuck

That's true, I guess I should have said that Jimmy's position wasn't wrong (IMO), but of course his deceptive, manipulative methods were absolutely wrong. Although I would still argue that Irene's friends weren't very good friends, in that they should have tried to talk things over with her instead of rushing to

I see what you're saying, but the settlement offer wasn't peanuts either. Wasn't Jimmy's cut something like $17 million? Or did I hear that wrong? The impression I got was that they could settle now, or keep fighting for a few years to get a few more million total (of which the ladies individually would get a few

I guess I need to see the Lego movie…the first Jump Street movie was pretty funny, the second was OK, but I didn't see anything that made me feel particularly compelled to rush to these guys' defense. It probably would have been a more interesting Han Solo movie with Lord and Miller, but it might also have been an

If I'm not mistaken, Kasdan is leaving the Star Wars franchise for good after the Han Solo movie. I think he deserves to call the shots on this one.

At least they let him complete filming!

Was Richard Marx — wait, never mind.

Sounds like a cassava mistaken identity!

Classic rainbow_dash_loveslave542!

I don't think what Jimmy originally did was even that wrong. In my opinion, those old ladies should have gone for the settlement instead of dragging the lawsuit out for however many more years. Take the money while you're still able-bodied enough to go on cruises and vacations and enjoy your sunset years in style. At

I think it would still all be payable to his estate, and where it goes from there depends on Chuck's will…assuming he left one, which I can't imagine he wouldn't have.

Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad.

I've seen people report similar problems, but have never seen it myself either.

Yeah, maybe there's a link or something that I've been too lazy to spot, but I wish it were possible to go from the notification email or Disqus notification page to the entire conversation.

I agree that it's the least worst — it has its problems and missing features, but I haven't seen another commenting system that is any less aggravating.

I'm pretty Gung Ho about it myself!

"But I was going to Arnold's to pick up some cheeseburgers!"

I'd like to think that the Internet might have prevented Ewoks!