Fake Socks™

Maybe…if he doesn't work…blue?

Thank you! I'll make a note of these. I have been to Brasserie V and really liked it, but haven't tried the burger!

Khmer Stooge has been slowly eating CineCraft puns for a year

I Have No Anus and I Must Poop

Would you wipe your as with As I Lay Dying?

Al Gore will address this issue in his next book, An Incontinent Truth.

By the time she's finished, this poor woman is going to need….
( •_•)>⌐■-■
The Bathroom of the System

That level of wit is exceedingly….uncommon.

Yes! I was not entirely sure who these guys were, or why they were in the middle of an insane battle. And I loved it!


I'd watch someone eat PewDiePie slowly over a year!

Consider eating Consider the Lobster

Is your sister a picky eater?

— Armond White

I'd rather ferment my rage…into a cold, frosty beer!

He actually was too old for this shit!

I haven’t seen Predator 2 since it came out, but I remember being wowed by the opening scene, which I believe just drops you into the midst of a raging shootout between the cops and drug cartel gangsters? It just went on and on, and I had no idea what was happening, and I remember thinking how cool it would be if this

Apparently they're planning to replace the comment system here with Kinja? That will probably be my cue to move on…

For me, it's the cast. They have great chemistry, and a goofy charm that really sells the ridiculously over the top macho dialogue.

Nice…I have yet to explore Milwaukee (aside from a trip to the Pabst Theater) but plan to visit soon. I'll check out Oscar's for sure!