Fake Socks™

Yeah, what could we offer that would be at all interesting to a superadvanced civilization? Dancing With the Stars?


I just can’t see how this can be any good, but I admit that I’m basing this solely on the ridiculousness of the title.

The answer of course is to eat more salt, so your taste buds will be corroded like the rest of us!

I have no clue as to the true nutritional benefits of bone broth, but if you’re saying bone broth = soup, you apparently don’t know what bone broth even is, making this post effectively useless. Google is your friend!

I think this is my favorite minimalist cover. Somehow a photo of two chairs in a big empty room manages to tug my heartstrings every time I see it.

I hoped someone would throw the Dune series some love!

I think that's what makes King such a compelling storyteller — his ability to tell a story in a perfectly natural-sounding voice. I find his writing instantly immersive because I'm not constantly reminded of WRITING happening, as I am with lesser writers. It's so awful to read a story where the author has no natural

I like his comparison of the thesaurus to Cliff's Notes-type books. Just as those plot-summary books are basically worthless in terms of replicating the experience of the actual novel, a list of synonyms can't give you any real understanding of those words. Really, the only worthwhile path to a broad vocabulary is

Yeah, these are more conceptually cute than genuinely good examples of minimalism. I also hope this is the end point of this sort of thing because it has gotten really old.

What an extraordinary piece of shit.

For me, this is what has helped — my insomnia tends to be the kind where you wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep:

The idea that "believing/not believing in ____ makes you more/less _____" is the kind of backward thinking that leads to assholism of all creeds. The object of becoming a fully-formed human being is to be a decent, tolerant person. You choose the path that will help you get closer to that objective. If you're saying



*watches Dream On*

You are


Howard the Duck is the movie the Prequels pretend don't exist