
This was my thought too.  Even if you’ve never attended a theater production, LOOK AROUND and see how everyone is behaving.  Also, they announce before every show that you’re not supposed to smoke/vape/record.

And we all know Beetlejuice is a gateway to witchcraft and Satan!

Yes, unfortunately, you are an ever present nightmare, Ms. Boebert.

Surprised she wasn’t kicked out for shotgunning a Schlitz, and demanding the cast play “Free Bird”

Ooh, Abuelita’s been kicking up a fuss!

Yes, they obviously know who you are, which is why they, probably, cackled themselves to sleep last night.

“Do you know who I am?”

He (Josh) has a few daughters himself. And his wife stands firmly by him. 

Here’s my rationale for why it might be harmful: if the state is conservative enough to elect a Republican governor, and for control of the state legislature to be in play despite Republicans in that state openly declaring their intention to pass an abortion ban... maybe that electorate is conservative enough punish

>So, yeah, the most important thing about Gibson’s videos with her husband is that her opponent wants to ban abortion—end of story.

It’s so emblematic of modern evangelicalism. 

Wait, so the patriarch who was willing to prostitute out his family on TV and steal their money for himself NOW decides that airing out dirty laundry in the media might be a bad thing?  GTFOoH with those lies Jim Bob.

May he forever drink random cups of vomit for the rest of his life

Beware the ‘reality-industrial complex.’

He also chose his son over the welfare of his daughters. He’s a piece of shit and I hope he and Michelle spend the rest of their lives having to clean dog shit (that I’m hoping people will throw) off his house every day for the rest of his life.

That documentary was so uncomfortable to watch. It’s amazing the contortions people will put themselves through when there’s money to be made. The man, literally, chose money of the physical safety of his child, then presents himself as the victim.

It’s also important to note that Jim Bob was shitty at negotiations.

Absolutely, this is not the most fucked problem in the system. But instead of the media feeding us ineffective outrage, they should be asking why the hell this practice is even allowed in the first place.

Well, that’s the thorny part of all this. The victims gave the testimony that led to the verdict of guilty. These two wrote letters for consideration in sentencing. People who do that could well believe in the legitimacy of the victims’ testimony (and therefore the guilty verdict), but also want to put forth what they

Jonas, Kutcher, and Kunis all need to shut-up for a bit.