
In the sense that the wife and children are also victims here, I can see a good case for centering them in some of the coverage.

I don’t mean to pile on here, but okay, I’m joining the pile. This woman has been married to a sociopath for 25+ years. Who knows what kind of abuse, gaslighting, and stress she’s had to put up with over this period? But hey, let’s judge her on some off-hand remark she may not even have made upon having the truth

Wish I could say this is beneath Jezebel, but this is just another entry in the steady decline. Y’all should have let AI write this one.

They’re also terrified of change which doesn’t exactly lend itself to creativity and innovation. 

It’s kind of the same reason movies produced to pander to the Evangelical Christian community are usually so terrible: They function as affirmation rather than art. The politics/preaching have to be front and center, and their foundations can never be examined, let alone questioned. Especially with movies, it’s very

This is unbelievable, they have absolutely no shame. Hillary was right when she called them deplorable.   

They also have to insert politics or a weird sense of patriotism into it. Like their art is American flags and crap. Books can’t have sensitive topics, because then they’re preachy. They can’t talk about race or LGBTQ issues, that makes them “woke”. Same with movies. They just want to complain and be miserable about

Combined with the general disdain of the humanities. For many in the GOP base, the ego is wrapped up in being the biggest bully in the yard. Limited interest in examining the human condition and complexities of life.

Loser behavior. The culture has left conservatives behind. Everything worth doing in the arts, literature, fashion, film etc is beyond their reach. When conservatives create their own cultural contributions it is often subpar. And they know their output is subpar. They pretend to be anti culture and anti-Hollywood,

Was there ever a “Faith and Family Barbie”?

Seals it, going to see this movie.

At least Honey Boo Boo is going to college.

In case you’d like to feel old this morning, Thompson is turning 18 in August, and graduated from Wilkinson County High School this year. She’s preparing to go to college later this year, and has been dating 21-year-old Dralin Carswell for two years.

“I believe we have stepped over a line into the inhumane.”


The “crisis” at the border is one of inhumane policies and inhumane treatment towards the human beings seeking a better life in this country than they can get in the country they are coming from (not to mention a major contributor to conditions being so dire in so many of those countries has been decades and decades

Recording an entire concert on your phone is dumb, especially, since youtube has so much fantastic live material. I suppose that is another reason to not go to concerts nowadays.

If you see a concert and don’t post video online, did you even go?

I quit going to concerts ten years ago after I paid $700 to watch hundreds of people record Fleetwood Mac on their phones. The venue didn't do a damned thing. 

rachel maddow did a great segment on this last night. essentially, these people want to arrest you for traveling to do something that is legal in one state b/c it is illegal in the state where they live.  what happened to the party of limited government?

It is known medical fact that compression on a gunshot wound can slow bleeding. But that doesn’t mean only Skims can provide this random maybe once in a lifetime benefit. I can’t even summon a lot of outrage for the now ubiquitous GoFundMe promotion (ahem, “need”). But honestly, my first thought was maybe Nina should w