
The modern fascist movement in America sure has a usual bunch of suspects.

He aspires to De Niro/Pacino status....

You are so right! It was 100% her being a “wild child” and nothing about her mom - as you said -basically abusing her and using her for fame and money. You have a 6/7/8 year old making a ton of money and being MADE to get out there and not stop. It’s amazing and actually great to see that she’s in a place where she

My “lab/hound” mix we found through a rescue listing on Petfinder was most definitely not a lab-anything. We knew by looking at him he was a pit-mix, and we thought the hound was accurate given his size and ears but turned out to be cocker spaniel instead. Regardless, our lil’ pittie stole our hearts from the first

I used to live in a building with an adorable mini border collie with a brindle coat and two differently pigmented eyes and I tried not to think of what it took to breed a miniature border collie. But then the guy had the tail docked, on a border collie, and all I wanted to do was slap him and take the dog to prevent

Sometimes I wonder if animal welfare is actually their goal, since they are so toxic that they definitely do more harm than good.

98% of the dogs on petfinder:

NGL - whenever I hear of a friend or acquaintance getting a purebred dog through a breeder (don’t know anyone getting dogs through pet stores unless it’s an adoption event) my eyebrow raises. Genuinely, what are you doing? But the allergy argument is pretty compelling and just about the only one that doesn’t leave me

“If Pete had done his research, he would know that there’s no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, that at least a quarter of dogs in shelters are purebreds, and that Petfinder has listings for homeless dogs of every breed under the sun, including the one he purchased.”

peta is a terrible organization that turns off most people to the idea of animal rights and shouldn’t be calling out individuals just buying a pet. bother farming  corporations and big box pet stores that still sell animals.

Anyone Barrymore’s age, like myself, or older remember seeing pictures like this one of her at nine years old at clubs, at Studio 54, at like 2 am with half asleep at the table while her mom partied. We remember her mom bringing a fresh out of rehab Barrymore on Phil Donahue to get bombarded with questions about her

How can it possibly be the women’s issue of our times when it affects so few people. Of the 2% of teens who supposedly identify as trans and live in states where there are no limits on which facilities trans youths can use, what percentage do you think are brave and mentally tough enough to wade into the hatred and

It took me a long time to realize that titles like husband, brother, father, uncle, aunt, mother, sister, etc. a are exactly that: a word. That’s it.

BTW The Guardian just published its 2 out of 5 star review of this garbage:

What I still can’t get over, and I know I should not be stunned by it, was reading the description of the first episode where the main female character pushes against an onset intimacy coordinator about showing her body because it is ‘limiting her control over her own body.’

I’m in my 50s, and we had a local circuit, Pacific Northwest Wrestling. Almost all of my friends thought professional wrestling was legit. We thought going to the coliseum for a night of rasslin’ was great entertainment, and used to re-enact some of our favorite moves in back yards around town. Lotta hillbillies in my

Yeah, most short voice work is done like this these days. If you do full time VA, you probably have a dedicated home studio you had built, but otherwise find a quietish room.

Nobody wants to drive hours for 10 seconds of work, so you send the PA to the celeb because it costs the least.

Doing a voice cameo from a garage or having to interact with a catty as hell former coworker and the show runner who wrote her the line “he’s the Lawrence of my Labia?” Hmmm. Hmmmmmm. I’d take the garage.

Tone of this piece is odd. HOPE SHE’S HAPPY IN A GARAGE. If I made whatever $$$ she pulled for a couple hours recording VO in a garage I’d be happy as fuck.

It amazes me, a reformed rasslin’ fan and Gen-X kid, that we can look back at a time in my life that I watched stuff like the above picture on cable TV and never questioned that these athletes were both straight and masculine.