
I went to school in the south. I remember several instances between the ages of 12-18 stating I didn’t want children and classmates & teachers always told me it was inevitable and “babies just happen”, as if they’d seen the stork drop many babies on door steps and fly away laughing as he crowed something about “haaaa

I picked my college in no small part for its absence of Greek life. I've changed my mind about lots of things over the last 20 years but I still feel like that was a solid choice. 

Generally, women with more options tend to have fewer children. Obviously there are individual variables, but on average women who can do almost anything they want with their lives will choose to reproduce at below replacement rate. Solving inequality is a tall order, but it would conveniently solve overpopulation too.

“You can’t investigate him because he’s my friend, and I’m rich!

That generational outlook really is a thing; I’ve known people who feel they have zero agency in their lives. I’ve known a few pregnant women in college who looked me in the face and told me they warned the guy they might get pregnant if they have unprotected sex, and then literally laid back and accepted whatever

I also feel like there are still a lot of women out there who think it’s inevitable that they will have children one day, so they’re willing to play sexual Russian roulette. If more women were raised to understand that family/children is only one path and there are others that are rewarding, maybe they’d be able to

To be fair, raising a child WELL with all the stuff they need takes $300k. I’m guessing raising a child in the Boebert household requires a Bible, a TV, a smartphone loaded with shitty social media apps, several handguns per child, and a hairbrush for spankings. Maybe some food.

Unlike the Roys, Chloe knew you have to walk away from your past in slow-motion while it explodes behind you, like in a John Woo movie

I feel like Logan was too smart to shit where he ate with Karolina. She’s head of PR and part of their legal team so much more savvy with protecting herself and in a far more stable economic position than Kerry the personal assistant was. 

Given the obvious of Logan’s type when the ladies filled the front row, I’m surprised it was never hinted at anything between Logan and Karolina.

I mean, yeah, preschool graduation isn’t exactly earth-shattering, but Hunt’s on the right track here. Nebraska has about a billion REAL problems these people should be fixing, not least for their own grandchildren who presumably will have to live and die there. And instead, they’re wasting their time on this nonsense.

I like her comments about minding everyone’s own situation; Nick can pay for the kids, so welfare’s not an issue here like it was with Octomom (throwback!)

They need to bring back “Hart of Dixie”, they can start there.  Loved that show.  

To be fair, Linehan whined about missing it and really lined herself up for the shot.  

That’s why I almost feel bad for Jr; he never really had a chance.

Wow...a preschool graduation. Seems important! I feel like the best option would have been to skip the vote and the “graduation” and spare herself and families of trans kids the pain.

“If you want to see your grandson graduate from preschool, you should do that,” Hunt said.

Hah! We made the same joke at the exact same time.

Comes bundled with an AOL subscription! Don Jr.’s making deals and has his finger on the pulse!

And on that CD-ROM? Fifty free hours of AOL.