
I don’t think what you’re describing was ever really typical. Different women (and people) like different things, and some of their preferences change over time, but not always — and that’s fine! Some women are perfectly happy dating meatheads, and some meatheads are actually great people!

What’s a “magazine?”

This is going to be the gayest magazine of all time.

It’s been almost two decades since I was active in the dating scene. Which is to say my frame of reference is a little out of date, but I remember that young women fell for the “manly” types pretty quickly and just as quickly broke up with them when they realized they were shallow self-centered meatheads, and the ones

I can’t stop laughing at Winning Team Publishing. Is this what they mean when they say manifest success?

FFS if it wasn’t for conservatives dragging us backward in time, maybe we could finally break free from this puritanical bullshit. 

They didn’t say it was a “high speed chase”. You can chase someone relentlessly without being high speed, just ask Michael Myers or The Blob or the malevolent entity from It Follows.

There was so much terror, confusion and hysteria around AIDS in those early days. No one knew what to think, what to believe or what to say. Historically, it is not unusual for humans to turn to their idols for answers and, finding none, to then blame them for their misfortunes. It’s one of the difficulties of fame

I LOVE Donna Summer, and disco, and I will be tuning in. But I will say I’m very tired of “But they actually loveee the gays! We had gays around us all the time!” as if that has anything at all to do with whether or not a person is homophobic. Idk how she said that and thought it would sound any other way besides “But

Agreed seems like the writers room deliberately tried to steer away from the woman leaves a string of shitty relationships with men and suddenly finds perfection in a woman trope. There are some cliché representations of queer people in media, but this is actually different. Anyway if you decide to watch it, stick to

Agree. So lesbians can’t be real human beings and at times, assholes? My best friend is gay and his husband can be a total prick at times. And my friend has acknowledged same.


I have my issues with Ted’s wife, but I don’t think she cheated on him. I think she had the next rung on the monkey bars ready to go before she let go of him, but that’s not the same.

Are queer characters supposed to be immune against being flawed? If anything the trope is that lesbians are portrayed as completely saintly. Then TV shows run out of ideas and make them into literal saints by killing them off.

They get a lot of milage out the character being a dumb jock, but this is an instance in which Jaime is demonstrated to have had more or less the “correct” position all along, despite having fucked up due to pure oversight. Notably, Jaime is also the only person who unequivocally takes Keely’s side, and offers an

He tells her he initially didn’t delete some or all of it because he thought they were just going to get back together, but once he realized it was actually/really over, he deleted (what he believed to be) everything.

I'm sure Jayson doesn't love that he's now married to someone vastly more powerful and important than he is. Dudes like this tend to take their female partners' success as a personal affront.

Palin is the dollar store version of Palin. Boebert is the truck-stop-barnacle stand selling MAGA garbage made overseas

Jayson was drinking beer and cleaning his gun when being served.”

Yeah, I fully expect her to announce her engagement to future ex-husband #2 within minutes of the divorce being final. Probably some well-heeled lobbyist or right wing donor.