
“...And, of course, my red hot smokin’ wife Carley, who is a stone cold fox, who if you would rate her ass on 100, it would easily be a 94.”

Oh my word. In addition to the other insanity in the article, thank you so much for bringing this into my life:

Posting again. The James River Church Stronger Men Conference, where Hawley participated. Traditional manhood involves tanks, guns and destruction, apparently.

He allegedly was also trying to sell presidential pardons for $2 million, which he claimed he’d split with Trump. It could obviously be just the ramblings of a drunken ghoul, but if true could be very, very bad for him and 45. It’s absolutely a scheme I could see them engaging in.

If you’d just get off your ass and work, you’d have enough money.

Me too...but then I wouldn’t get online and use my kids as props. The way she’s commercialized her children to boost her following is utterly gross; she’s not the only one, for sure, but she’s no one our society should be lionizing either.

My wife is a freelance writer. For one of these exercises, our youngest reported that her mom works hard at “typing.”

I can’t tell if this is some sort of slick PR stunt designed to gain sympathy for Kim or Kim is so out of touch that she has no idea how any of this content comes across to everyone else. 

I apologize. I should not have called you an a-hole. That wasn’t very kind and I’m sorry.

How is she undignified? Is everyone in a bathing suit undignified, or just women?

Absolutely lovely, thank you for sharingA very different history to my own with my mother, but you reminded me that my mother shared the “and that’s that” attitude and I carry it forward for both better and worse.

Didn’t Ellen's whole downfall start with people talking about how horrible she was to with with? I think a lot more of her accusations were about her directly.

yeah, this guy would have made a GREAT father if she didn’t have an abortion. 

It’s kinda crazy how much these shows make but they can’t pay their workers enough to live on. 

Don’t worry Greg Abbott will pardon him. And the right wingers in Texas will make him a martyr of the cause.

Um, so we don’t think that Ben was just super annoyed at the paps? I mean that look and “what the fuck” hand gesture pretty much tells that story. Leave these people alone on this whole “will they get divorced soon” thing. It’s like “when will she get pregnant? Is she pregnant?” Jennifer Aniston news. Just fucking

People can be well aware of the risks, and still in such denial that they plow ahead and ignore them. The risks of having a child with Cystic Fibrosis in both parents with the recessive gene are something like 25%, yet my cousin, who lost both her siblings young to the disease, refused to get tested, and didn’t want

In the almost eight years that Trump has been in the political arena, the media has learned next to nothing about how to cover him. They continue to embarrass themselves in ways that actively hurt American democracy.

She has depression AND a child with severe ADHD in the house, yet thought it was a good idea to keep a gun in the home? This is why the responsible gun owner narrative is mostly bullshit. Statistically, most households have someone with a condition where guns have no business being in the home. Grandpa had a stroke

No one ever wants to truly accept their abuser wife/husband and father/mother of their children plans to kill them. These people have the key to your psyche and can effectively gaslight you into thinking you are the crazy, paranoid one. Abusers can be so effective, the victim is protective and apologetic to them even