
THIS loud lol

The fashion industry “celebrates body positivity”? On what planet?

The whole industry is in need of an overhaul. They pay low level staff and interns crap all for the “chance” of “making it” big. 

Another concertgoer, Magnus Fiennes, tweeted that after the “loud and full body orgasm” the “band politely carried on.”

“The gap between the image of glamour and privilege on the one hand, and then the reality of many working people’s lives on the other, makes it hard for most people who don’t have experience firsthand in fashion to understand how abusive the industry can be, and how pervasive bad working conditions really are.”

Physician here — the shitty thing about these laws are that hospitals are using them to pressure docs re: privileges, i.e. threatening to revoke hospital privileges if a doc violates the law. And once you’ve lost your privileges at one hospital, you are basically fucked to ever get them anywhere else, bc you have to

It’s okay to think people are fucking weirdos for doing stuff like this in public you know.

I think everyone felt that was a rather lovely expression of somebody who was so transported by the music that it had some kind of effect on them physically or, dare I say, even sexually

I’m not sure why people would buy that the music had anything to do with it. Seems more like this person or person and partner have a sexual acts in public kink and were subjecting everyone else around them to it, which is pretty gross actually.

That’s entirely off topic but you’re seriously blaming “the left” for something that happened in Texas? That’s a knee slapper of a joke right there. 

The right’s America: where every dispute is won at the end of a gun barrel. “bUt We MuSt PrOtEcT tHe ChIlDrEn FrOm DrAg QuEeNs”

Shocking. considering how healthy the cheerleading industry is otherwise, and how valued professional cheerleaders are by professional sports teams.

“that’s what Navarro girls do— they drink. We don’t tell anyone. We just keep it to our self.”

Also the elective surgery was apparently to correct a sunken chest, so he basically got breast augmentation to look more masculine, which is a form of gender affirming care he so vehemently opposes for others.

maybe but only for the bad language. not the content 

In the special, he says he was addicted to Adderall, cocaine, Xanax, Klonopin and Percocet. In a podcast last week, he said he was also freebasing and that he could “easily” do an 8-ball of blow a day.

He clearly has mental health issues regardless of how upperclass white boy he looks/is ... I don’t know what kind of drugs he did but it sounds like street drugs, that’s another level beyond alcohol (which is all what I thought he was but sounds like more... selling a 12k watch isn’t necessary for a few more handles

Ever hear of Fatty Arbuckle and Virginia Rappe... you’ll kinda wish you hadn’t ...

Just like how “America runs on Dunkin’”, Hollywood runs on cocaine