
The entertainment industry has been fueled by cocaine & other stimulants since its inception. So, probably.

Forget the drugs, I will forever side-eye Mulaney for how horrible he was to his now ex-wife - the woman he spent a decade praising and worshiping so publicly and that he intentionally made a huge part of his act and his entire public persona. (I’ve seen all of his specials and stand-up and I loved them.)

that’s one I’m willing to tell you.”

There was an article on Jezebel about vaginismus some years ago, and it had a lot of great comments from women talking about their experiences with it and what treatments they got. Sure would have been a good thing to link to...

So you didn’t know if he was all lit up again? He did love the cocaine.

the best thing that ever happened was the Internet was created.

Weird that one of the links about websites using a pull quote as clickbait didn’t get posted, here I’ll list it:

They want a fantasy girlfriend - feel entitled to it. If it was just about getting laid, these guys would just save up money and join the other sex tourists. 

I think you’re probably right in that, if someone has made being unfuckable a core part of their identity, and they later decide to do things to make themselves more attractive... they tend to Tate out.

Boo hoo.

I don’t know if this is progress or not, but the slightly more self-aware wing of this tribe seems to have spawned the “level-up/high-value man” branch of wayward masculinity. It insists that men recognize the “natural” divides of attraction/desirability and improve themselves (get fit, dress better, make more money,

... But in all seriousness - The Incel “Movement” is a scary thing and should not be taken lightly; so, I am glad Laura mentions the 2014 Santa Barbara Shootings and stresses the general dangers towards the end of the article.

If guys like this had to pay fair market rates for not only housework and childcare but also to have someone sleep with them, they'd realize half their income was a bargain. 

Funny how when you pay a nanny/daycare and domestic cleaner to do it it’s suddenly a job, but if you’re doing it for free it’s no longer work.

California, like Texas, is a community property state. In general, what that means is that property acquired *during the marriage* is split evenly upon divorce, with some exceptions. So if you earn or inherit a lot before you get married, that’s typically going to count as your separate property, and will not be split

Yeah, of course guys like this are against no-fault divorce and think women should be bound to them forever. That’s a given. My main takeaway here is that he is suffering and in real emotional pain, and that has made my day just a little bit better. 

B/c their feelings towards homosexuals are very much the same as women: hate. And seeing as I am a gay man, who has extensive experience w/ homophobia, it’s typically internalized feelings they suppress that generates the anger towards what would be their group. Not saying all of them are. But that is my take, and one

I’m in a depression group that has a lot of incels. I decided to try talking to some one on one and it’s been an interesting experience. Most of them desperately want a connection and the love of another person, they just truly don’t know how to interact in social settings. Many don’t even have male friends because

As I understand it, the thing about incels is not that they believe they cannot get laid by anyone *period*, but rather that they can’t get laid by the right kind of women—i.e., exceptionally conventionally attractive women, which I think they refer to as “Stacys” (the female version of a “Chad”. I learned about all