
hobbits but with the serial numbers filed off” is now stolen.  

Even before this case it was obvious from the various outbursts that have been publicized (imagine how many more we never heard about) that Alec Baldwin thinks of himself as the victim in pretty much every scenario, and apparently that extends to being involved in a situation where someone else actually died. I have

Yeah I mean Black children are unjustly ripped away from their families all the time... but this really isn’t the case I would use as an example. This child was in real danger.

Burying the lede a little. The kid had very high bilirubin [21] and the doctor could not get the family to assure him that the device being used at home was hospital grade. Also- the doctor isn’t white either. He also tried to talk to the family many, many times and was repeatedly ignored before involving CPS.

The Jacksons said they would be doing the phototherapy treatment at home under the guidance of their midwife, Cheryl Edinbyrd.

Also, abortion is natural. About half of the blastocysts that reach the uterus after conception fail to implant (relevant if you go in for that “life begins at conception” stuff), and yet 50-75% of those that do implant end in miscarriage before the woman even knows she's pregnant. THEN, of the 25-50% of

A child’s body is “not designed to have disgusting death instruments remove her pre-born child from her womb,” she said, claiming this “is a statistical fact.”-“

Man, I always thought the main reason I shouldn’t get into politics is too much weed and no college degree...the pro-life lunatics however have taught me that I wouldn’t be able to do my job without screaming obscenities at these fuckin clowns in hearings like this. “Ma’am did you just try to tell me with a straight

For folks who purport to want to ‘protect children’, they play pretty fast and loose with the definition. Not that I expect anything less of them.

I don’t know why people think education is so important. If these kids are going to be basically drones, working low-wage jobs for the rest of their life, why do they need any education? People in the 1800s dropped out of school after 8th grade a lot, and humans survived until now, so clearly education is not required

Ayn Rand herself couldn’t have created a more poorly written parody of a libertarian hero than Elon Musk. No wonder so many incels, toxic nerds, and Conservative shitheads love him. That’s the American dream, right there. A billionaire darling of the anti-government, anti-journalist community who can simply purchase a

The urge to breathe and inhale is after oxygenating our blood the most basic urge.

“Well, in the past we could rely upon simple limbic system rewards in order to procreate. But once you have birth control and abortions and what not, now you can still satisfy the limbic instinct but not procreate,” he said. “So, we haven’t yet evolved to deal with that because it’s all fairly recent in the last 50

The fact still stands that in many cases, these kids won’t even be in high school yet (which let’s be clear is no objective marker of the maturity needed to maintain both working, now extended hours, and studying for school).

I mean its a young white girl got shot, surprised that there hasn’t been a large” we are the world” style event to kick off gun policy changes. truly end times.

Tell me that again when your 16 year old daughter is getting her ass pinched and her tits ogled by some 45 year old rednecked Iowa farmer who stopped in at the local brewery to “unwind”.

Because they are goddamn nervous snowflakes, that’s why.

Gun ownership and how guns are treated here is rock-bottom THE issue, of course, but I also point out just how much social media has contributed to the significant fearmongering and straight-up misinformation about “rampant crime” everywhere.

I live in the bay area and people speak about it like we’re barely holding

This is not shocking at all and is perfectly aligned with other GOP actions and talking points. In just the last week or two, a number of Republicans have justified legislation to ban abortion with ZERO exceptions because the babies will grow up to help fill gaps in the workforce.

My theory is that, as the amniocentesis carries some risk of miscarriage, Shiv was hoping for a miscarriage. The doctors made it pretty clear to us that an amnio was not the way to go.