
Keiran Culkin would be a great villain. I just can’t see his voice ever conveying the iconic sexy smoothness of James Bond. But, he would easily be an iconic villain.

Being in recovery is hard. Addiction is a disease for many people, and for others, addictive behaviors are trying to fill some sort of hole left by trauma. It makes sense that one person would replace a substance addiction with something else, especially if you’re learning how to live in the world without the crutch

Meeting people just gets harder when you’ve stopped drinking. You realize just how much people’s entire ideas of leisure and recreation consist of “let’s go to a bar” and “let’s have a few drinks.”

...he claims to have met in college who married one another at age 12, and called their situation “something to ponder.”

why do these pigs always look like you imagine them looking like?

Leslie Jamison wrote about people’s fascination with the downward spiral but not sticking around for the “boring” recovery stories in her book The Recovering. Really recommend that title for writers who struggle with the cliches and platitudes that come with getting sober, and also for exploring how writers and

If Harry's second book makes as much money as the first, I don't suppose he will care too much. 

Skinny is back, everyone.  Take all that cement out of your behind and the silicone out of your boobs and get on the Ozempy train.

This. Sarah Snook is fantastic. Shiv Logan is just as unqualified to take over Waystar Royco and every bit as awful a person as her brothers.

I appreciate the depth of the prison-abolition issue, and appreciate your attempts to untangle it in front of a crowd of not-wholly-sympathetic strangers on the internet. It’s hugely important, and a lot to think about, and deserves a lot more than some of the tone-deaf shit it’s getting here. Bravo/a to you for not

Coming from an old fart in her forties, this shit is tedious. Yes, they all starve themselves. The are generally attractive people who have plastic surgeons, stylists, estheticians, trainers, and chefs. And they also starve themselves. It’s not healthy, but they are going to keep doing it and claim that they aren’t. La

Maybe I’m just an anonymous nobody gossiping, but this is Red Flag-y.

I’m not invested in this at all, and agree that we should all mind our fucking business when it comes to other people’s health, but I do want to point out that what she said is EXACTLY what people with an ED say when someone voices concern about them.

Look, you make some good points, but fuck her.

Know what else hurts innocent people? Giving them false medical tests. 

I’ve seen this type of mother-daughter dynamic before. Even without the child star element it’s a lot more common than people think for mothers to develop that type of fusional co-dependent bond with their children and essentially hold them hostage and stop them from developing their own identities, separate from

That apology tho!!! “sorry I called you demons”...holy shit that’s the most Florida Man apology ever. Even Tiny D woulda mustered up something that sounded better.

Some of the most brilliant, moving, and REAL television I’ve ever seen. Just breathtaking...

Also, sheesh, what a quick downfall for Kerry

Such a phenomenally entertaining episode of television from a phenomenally entertaining show. It was brilliant how long it took for it to be confirmed that he really was dead, while at the same time making it sound from the second Tom called that it was more or less hopeless. I felt like Roman for most of the episode,