
I would argue it’s worse when Gwyneth influences mothers rather than young women. These “middle aged moms” are mothering young people who see their attitudes about food, diets and weight and think it’s normal and healthy. If Mom is worried about being fat and only eats bone broth and asparagus, what is she feeding her

I had the profound (mis)fortune of knowing Courtney for 40 years. In the early 80's, she burned thru the entire city of SF, ripping off everyone I know, myself included. She’s always been a horrible person. How anyone looks at her with any respect at all befuddles me. 

Eating disorders are a LIFETIME problem, not a passing teen fancy. 

re: the Lady Gaga item, here’s a PSA for anyone who still thinks the name “Newsweek” means anything - the brand has changed hands many times and now “news” is secondary to clickbait and rewrites of reddit posts.

Chazz Michael Michael’s was Will Ferrel’s character’s name in Blades of Glory.  I’m assuming he was inspired by Chad Michael Murray.

girl, fuck fitting in.

I wouldn’t touch Florida with a 20 foot cattle prod nowadays. DeSantis is the goddamn antichrist and he is bound and determined to make all fucking America the same way.

Christ, this was needlessly snarky and exhausting. People do not read celebrity memoirs for exquisitely crafted metaphors or a deft turn of phrase. 

Thanks for writing this, even if it stays grey. This blog selectively reads or misunderstands the show in order to fit a convenient narrative, mostly based on tabloid rumors and tiktok gossip.

I wasn’t aware of his work before this but my read on his “retirement” was more someone really stressed with the fuckery of it all who probably shouldn’t have reached for his phone. I hope he gets what he needs and I hope this moment made him more renowned. Super talented. 

“She and Sudeikis split their time co-parenting, yet only one of them has been regarded as an “absentee” parent.

The drama was pretty much contained to this site trying to make something out of nothing. I don’t think it will affect many people’s opinion of the show.

While I don’t agree with any of her bullshit and think she’s a harmful quack...I disagree that she looks “old and tired.” She’s 50, she’s always been very thin and she rarely wears makeup—she looks like a 50 year old woman. When she does wear makeup, she looks glowing and gorgeous. Like her or not, I don’t think

She looks like hell. So maybe this is her way of saying “Don’t do any of the things I’m doing.”

Nothing says “wellness” like being hooked up to an IV instead of, you know, eating FOOD with nutrients.

I’m on my work machine atm, so I can’t go back and look at the video, but from what I remember this morning: Let the security guard handle it. Don’t square off her stance at the protester. The protester wasn’t physically threatening her. Don’t call her a bitch. Maybe make a lighthearted joke. Fuck, she could have

Avril back then was the same by all accounts. You’re thinking of her marketing image.

Would it have been obvious to Lavigne that it was a protester and not a streaker?  If she was trying to focus on the crowd and not on the protester, would she have known anything other than that a topless woman was traipsing around the stage?  She certainly didn’t seem to say one word that would reveal it was a

I forgot about that, and this is how you remind me?

I was in high school so I always assumed that Avril Lavigne’s schtick was about as Hot Topic as you can get (and to quote MC Lars, “Hot Topic is not punk rock”), so she always seemed harmless. But in the subsequent years, she really seems like just an increasingly unpleasant person with weirdo tendencies. I find