
I am conflicted because

I asked Mrs. Funkhouser how Bo Bo spun this to represent the anti-choice viewpoint and told her she had to ‘really want it’ to come up with this leap. She’s really smart but couldn’t get get to this.

Even if fathers did have rights over fetuses, are you honestly arguing that those rights should include forcing someone else to endure pregnancy and childbirth? Really?

They don’t have the right to treat their spouses like livestock, spanky.

You’re absolutely right, and yet I can’t help simply being grateful that this woman was able to abort somehow, aftermath be damned. Imagine being tied to a fuckwad like this by having a kid with him. Odds on him using the kid to manipulate the mother ALL HER LIFE? 1000 to 1.

And ex-spouses.  And girlfriends.  And mistresses.  And and and......

Oh good, a whole new way for abusive husbands to punish their spouses.

Especially the WHORES who tricked her husband in exposing his penis to minors!

Hi guys. I live in a trailer park. Thanks for using my housing situation as shorthand for people you think are stupid and worse than you. Definitely nothing else to critique here other than the amount of money you perceive her to have had.

But are those abortion rates higher among teens in urban areas? Or just higher, in general. Because the fact that their are more rural teen moms(not something I would brag about) is because they don’t teach sex ed and there ain’t shit to do in the middle of a cornfield except drink and fuck.

LOL that stopped me cold too. My fault; I forgot about all those easily-accessible rural abortion clinics that remain open in the heartland.

Yup. HER daughter is the only moral teenage out-of-wedlock pregnancy in the entire world. All the rest are just whores.

So glad she’s standing up to these queer agenda LGBT types for trying to sexualize America’s chaste, innocent youth.

Tyler’s baby mama probably saw Boebert’s $175k/yr congressional salary and campaign contributions, got knocked up and thought she won the trailer park lottery.

If you look at teen pregnancy rates throughout the nation, well, they’re the same in rural and urban areas.

Given the source, I’m also presuming that her underlying givens are lies to begin with.

repub 1: Let me tell you about this woman I know. High school drop out. 4 kids. Lives off the government dollar. Spouse spent time in jail. One of her 4 just got his girlfriend pregnant at age 17.

This is so common in the area around my hometown in southern Illinois. My cousin had her first baby at age 14. That baby had his first at age 17. And that baby had their first at age 15. My 48 year old cousin is a fucking great grandma.

I’d add Silkwood to the list of great Cher movie parts. No one ever mentions it anymore, but it’s one of my favorites and is still so creepy to me!

Benigni is only tolerable in “Down by Law”, because Jim Jarmusch, Tom Waits and John Lurie prevented him from taking over the whole movie with his Italian clown shtick. Though I admit I didn’t think Life is Beautiful was half as bad as the haters made it out to be.