Give people an inch and they’ll take a mile. Fans did her one solid favor & now they think they own her. Sorry to sound like a 2007 meme but leave this poor woman the hell alone you goddamn wierdos.
Give people an inch and they’ll take a mile. Fans did her one solid favor & now they think they own her. Sorry to sound like a 2007 meme but leave this poor woman the hell alone you goddamn wierdos.
Damn you, Xenu!!!
Also please don’t use cutesy language like “unalived” to describe murder. He (allegedly) murdered her.
Thank you for sharing your story. (If you hadn’t mentioned Glennon Doyle’s podcast, I was going to suggest listening— and for others who haven’t, there are also newer episodes in which she shares she has been diagnosed with anorexia, and also a wonderful, world-changing interview with Sonya Renee Taylor.)
Yeah, idk why Jezebel has gone into full stan territory with her. She absolutely should not have suffered abuse, but she’s frankly kind of an asshole and we don’t need to lionize her.
She’s saying that people treat her like she’s there for their entertainment, even when she’s just out at a restaurant. Like a “dance monkey dance!” type thing- “Tell me a joke, clown!” But like, in her case, they’d want some salacious story.
I used be a hostess at a restaurant in Malibu and Pamela was a regular. She was the most gracious, quiet, and low-maintenance customer ever. As any host/hostess knows, people are crazy about asking for booths—she never did, and as far as I know, she never kicked up a fuss about anything. She was honestly so sweet.
These ‘fans’ have an unhealthy obsession.
People need to get the fuck off the internet, and we also need to start ignoring all these people who live their lives online. Full stop.
I like Billy Wayne, but I feel like he doesn’t get the best subjects to work with on his appearances. My favorites are the ones on Steven Seagal and Turkmenbashi. Absolutely hysterical.
Oh wow, you have absolutely wounded me, so…
Yep. Getting rid of abortion only punishes SOME whores. Getting rid of birth control makes sure we all suffer.
They are coming after birth control, people. This has always been just under the surface, occasionally peeking out here and there. But Roe being repealed now has them all excited about finally shifting the Overton window on it.
Don’t Worry Darling and NOPE are not snubs. Neither was particularly Oscar-worthy. Don’t Worry Darling squandered the divine Florence Pugh, and it was so badly written that none of the actors really had a chance to shine. The movie was bad. Not just mediocre. Outright bad. I honestly cannot think of a category in…
Don’t Worry Darling... Is that the one where Harry Styles spits on Chris Pine?
lol Don’t Worry Darling did not deserve any nominations. It was a shitty movie that only did as well as it did because of the gossip surrounding the personal lives of the creator and actors.
Stephanie Hsu’s character is probably one of the coolest villains I’ve ever seen in any media ever.
I’m sure they’ll shake it off.
The legal team for the cockroaches, lice and bedbugs is currently putting together a defamation suit.