
Ewwwwwwwww! Oh my God, how revolting!

I couldn’t be bothered to get crisp bills for the Lunar New Year red envelopes I gave out on Sunday; I’m blaming it on Moderna. My son also got an A- in math; I’m be blaming it on Pfizer just to cover all my bases.

Gunshot to the head? Thanks pfizer.

My cousin is saying the same thing, and all I can do is just shake my head.

Man I’d forgotten how stupid that ShowGirls sex scene was.  Thanks Moderna.

They’re going around saying that the recently deceased Diamond of Diamond and Silk fame died of the vaccine she very publicly refused to take. So apparently the vaccine is so deadly it can kill people that didn’t even get it.

I never bought into Tim Allen, but I sure did get on the Cosby bandwagon. I had all his stand-up on cassette, I was a huge fan of the show. One of the few times I bought in to the hype only to discover how wrong I was after the fact. I’m usually more suspicious and critical.

Hey I’m dealing with a bloody hangnail and a run in my tights right now. 

Eeeeeewwwww. That made me cross my legs and tense it ALL up. Ew.

That countdown-to-the-18th-birthday shit is just so fucking gross, and it hasn’t gone anywhere. Millie Bobbie Brown and Billie Eilish both had to suffer it lately. I wish we could make some kind of unofficial online registry for guys who do shit like that, so they could never get laid by decent women again.

I literally can’t die now because I fear it will be used as an example of vaccine death.

If people only knew how often people just die for no known reason. 

I like the Toy Story movies. 

Yup. Guy takes a direct thump to the chest during an NFL game and goes into cardiac arrest... must have been the vaccine, couldn’t have been the 250 lb guy he slammed into.

That these people made videos ‘proving’ that common household keys were sticking to their bodies after the shot (i.e. the mRNA shot magnetized your body?) is something that must never be forgotten.

I used to work in healthcare and once had a patient fake a seizure for attention. I was a brand new nurse at the time and ran for my preceptor. She strolled into the room, checked to see if the bed was wet and then walked away and told me to request a psych consult. People who fake seizures never remember that they

Tim Allen says he’s been cancelled—a lot—but I’ve yet to see any evidence of it. 

Mine was Jean Luc Picard.

Got it. So when an Asian person shoots at Asian people, it’s racial violence. When black people shoot at black people, that’s also racial violence. And when white people shoot at white people, that can also be concluded as racial violence.

Growing up in the late 80s and early 90s taught me that all friends do is rip on and cut each other down unless something serious happens and then you come together for your friend, before you go back to being a asshole the next week. 

Outside of voicing Buzz Lightyear, everything Tim Allen does has a touch of him being self important.

I’ve heard nothing but horror stories from people who have to work with him. Not the general public, but people who have to work with him.