This is my shocked face. Can you tell this is my shocked face?
This is my shocked face. Can you tell this is my shocked face?
I didn’t know.
Having a dad that was similar to his character at the time, I looked at him as a role model. Should have been looking up to Al Borland instead, but toxic masculinity was the thing in the 90s.
100% believable. I never got why people thought of him as “America’s Dad” just because he played a father on a popular show. Dude’s always been a skeeze.
“I would never do such a thing,” says the former convicted coke dealer.
before showbiz fame, Tim Allen was arrested with 1.43 pounds of cocaine. He avoided life in prison by becoming a rat, giving names of conspirators in exchange for leniency. What a scumbag.
I’m all for the Pamaissance! Another women this world doesn’t deserve. It should give all of us hope she’s doing so well now.
This sounds like 100% something 80's-90's TA would do on ‘his set’. Glad she’s letting the world know!
Tim has already been cancelled, they can’t get him again.
This. Abusers are classic narcissists, and narcissists always know better than to take it out on the people who can negatively affect their lives; they won’t try to attack or abuse their boss, for example, or their landlord, because that might harm them in the long run. They pick a person to abuse who has no real way…
To the poor fool in the grays below, Mike Judge, the creator of Idiocracy, is from New Mexico. He’s the creative force behind Beavis and Butthead as well as King of the Hill. He’s HARDLY a “coastal elite.” Please get you mindless insults right.
I wonder if the internet hasn’t bombarded us with so much information about people’s lives that the sort of things that would’ve killed political ambitions in the past don’t register anymore.
I have a friend who previously worked in intelligence. I was shocked to find out he still paid for porn, and it turned out it was because sometimes he’d be “audited” and he didn’t want to get caught having downloaded copyrighted material illegally. Adorable! If only the rest of people in power had the same fear of…
What I want to know is when will I be able to stream this documentary.
More kids > more people in debt > eventually more money in their pockets.
I’m so sorry you experienced that. We all deserve moms who are supportive and loving and unfortunately sometimes we don’t get that. I haven’t been a perfect mom, but I think I’ve been the mom who tries and works hard to be better and looks for ways to be helpful and supportive. My own mother was a great example. Not…
She honestly sets my teeth on edge, and seems like a bit of a tryhard in weird ways.
Sense8 was a fantastic first season, unfortunately the Wachowskis don’t have great follow-through on their ideas. Also, How dare you not have High Fidelity on this list
Yeah, no. If you PUBLICLY defend a man accused of abuse by several women, then address that, don’t make a joke as if your previous defense never happened. But this is indicative of Hollywood in general. They don’t stand for anything accept what will give them the most positive attention at the time. Believing…
I always figured there was a hollywood nepo baby support group that that they were all a part of.