I keep asking, where do they go from here after the pity tour is over. Reality show? OnlyFans page? Porn?
I keep asking, where do they go from here after the pity tour is over. Reality show? OnlyFans page? Porn?
That’s exactly what they’re doing here in Texas. The school district my BIL works at is allowing ‘select’ teachers to be armed. Once the six year old pulled out the gun he became an “active shooter”, so his armed teacher would be obligated to shoot to kill. I didn’t hear anything about quickdraw training at my BIL’s…
And this is what all the “home protection” idiots fail to understand. If you think you need a gun to protect you from an armed home invasion (incredibly rare), then it needs to be loaded and accessible. But then kids can get access to it and shoot you, themselves, their friends, or anyone. The data on this is…
I’m positive they’ve already started. I’m sure some of them will try to portray this as the teacher’s own fault by claiming she was trying to indoctinate children with something like critical race theory, wokeness, coloring inside the lines or playing well with others. Or all of the above.
I’ve been avoiding this story but I guess I’m done with that.
“Mount Sinai is dismayed by NYSNA’s reckless actions,” they said in a statement on Friday. “The union is jeopardizing patients’ care, and it’s forcing valued Mount Sinai nurses to choose between their dedication to patient care and their own livelihoods.”
And then Paul Ryan tried to take that back and say that him liking RATM was fake news.
If those interns just cut back on the avocado toast they could work for this man for free! They’re so selfish!/ s
Just in case anyone else ever has this happen- anesthesiologists are never in network. Your insurance *should* pay them the medicare rate, and if you call the hospital, they *should* accept that rate and waive the rest of the bill. That’s what’s supposed to happen, but you have to know to call the insurance and the…
“Nobody wants to work anymore. I mean, these beetles aren’t gonna fruit leather themselves.”
“The problem is how to pay [the employees] enough to afford children, a car and a house in the suburbs.”
The no laugh/silence policy sounds like the Robuchon rule, he was the one who made the policy of quiet kitchens (including minimal noise from cooking). It’s a lame rule since you’re taking an art form and telling the artist to be visually disconnected.
I haven’t seen The Menu but isn’t this The Menu?
I’m going to take stab in the dark and assume Mr. Chef doesn’t live in a modest house in the suburbs, where his children attend a public school.
Or Marco Rubio’s trash ass saying he listens to Wu-Tang
Why are conservatives always, consistently using by music by artists who generally don’t support them and NOT the music of their proclaimed idol Kid Rock’s?
One thing white supremacists love is blackness, as long as it doesn’t come with accountability to actual black people.
When I was in DC, I asked some conservative with a boner for Reagan why his party kept using songs from artists who either hated the GOP and/or had lyrics the event planners and crowd clearly misunderstood. I used Born in the USA as an example.
Saw it with the railroads and seeing it now with this: It is categorically insane that we let the motive for private profit dictate operational decisions in industries that are crucial for the health and safety of Americans (in the case of nursing) and for the American economy (in the case of railroads). Who is…
Just remember...