
I hope Cocaine Bear does too.

Agreed, I never heard my father or brother-in-law ever talk this way about their experiences when they were in the military during war. 

Who cares about her title? It would be gross and overly forward at a Chi Omega formal too. It’s not like cold sores magically hurt less on commoners than the *gasp* future Queen of England.

I find the part about his “personal death toll” to be vainglorious (if true) or simply doubtful. It’s my experience that men who have served and actually killed people don’t like to talk about it, in fact, really resist talking about it.

I’d wager full time security to protect his wife and two children is pretty expensive.


The most shocking thing I learned from this sideshow is the "Suits" aired for 7 seasons!

First of all, Harry inherited about $11 million from his mother. He got more than his brother because she knew that William, as King, would inherit much more in the long run. I think two things can be true. William can be an entitled POS but so can Harry and he’s proved this with this. book.  A lot of his gripes stem

Most American’s can’t even tell you the difference between a Senator and a Representative, and they certainly can’t tell you what the Speaker even does. That Kevy can’t get the votes doesn’t matter to the future of the GOP when things like the response to Sandy Hook, Jan 6th, or the entire Trump presidency are still

One of the things he also said in either the book or the documentary is that he was “cut off” and then that “all I have is the inheritance from my mum” sooo yeah he has absolutely no concept of his own privilege or what it means to be truly cut off. It’s really baffling to me that he would complain that the palace and

There are plenty of examples of representative democracies working. The issue in the US is that “Supermajority” is baked into damn near everything. 

These two are so tacky. Ask the future Queen of England if she can borrow her lip gloss? It’s not like they were at a Chi Omega formal or something. And then make a big deal about it and put it in a book? 

Lol and we're supposed to see Kate as an asshole for not being enthusiastic about sharing lip gloss? I won't even share a drink with someone. And I wouldn't appreciate someone I'm still getting to know, commenting on my hormone levels 

What good are they actually doing? They spin themselves as philanthropists but they never want to actually give away any of their own money 

Somebody needs to tell Harry they are doing too much. The power move was to bail on it all and ride quietly into the sunset. The constant clawing for relevance is...not it. I was pretty agnostic towards these two for a long time, leaning much closer to being a “fan” versus having any negative feelings. But now I’m

Extra relevant since this was originally tweeted on 1/6/21

This shouldn’t surprise you at all. I’d say about 1/4 people actually pay any attention to politics or vote based off more than what their family votes for. There is a reason it is so easy for con artists to win elections. I know many people that have no clue about anything outside of what they hear at church on

Same. Conservatives don’t actually send representatives to DC to legislate or govern. They send them there to sit on their thumbs and block anything meaningful from passing. Everyday conservative people, if they even hear about this, are just going to process it as conservatives stopping the Extremist Socialist Left

Maybe I’m too old, maybe it’s his small eyes, maybe its the hint of facial hair that seems to look like a perpetual teenstache and soul patch in photos...maybe it’s all of the above but I think he always looks like a guy who stands outside of convenience stores smoking a cigarette.

Can somebody from this site please do a piece on all the horrible cooks of tik tok/ YouTube? I don’t even mean the celeb cooks. I’m talking about people who have gotten Facebook/ instagram famous because of their “quick, cheap, accessible” meals, that are really just horrible junk. You know these people because for