
My lukewarm take - Charles has the right to remarry no matter what his kids think. The kids have the right to have strong feelings and opinions on this. Harry is talking about his emotional reaction to Camilla and her ongoing presence in his fathers life. 

I would normally agree with you, but not when it comes to Swift. Like everything else, it’s calculated to generate posts (and comments) like this one. 

I’m quite certain I would not enjoy KK’s company, but I do appreciate that she can accept that she’s not a good dancer, and then still dance on a video because her kid asked her to

I mean, I’m no Camilla fan but Harry could have and should have been an adult about this at some point. I’m sure it’s painful to be around that homewrecker but begging your dad not to marry her? Whining (whinging) about how she used your “old room” for storage?

I watched The Banshees of Inisherin over the holidays on TV and it was very surprising. A little bit of a slow burn but went in a direction that I would have never thought of. I have not seen In Bruges, but I am gong to see if it is on one of the streaming sites.

It surely has. At the very least, he should have done more roles like In Bruges that play to his strengths (conveying earnestness and a strange, sweet innocence, to my mind) rather than playing so many sleazeballs. Then again, he’s pretty versatile. I enjoyed him almost as much in Fright Night and Phone Booth as in

For someone who claims to hate the tabloids, Harry has given them more fodder in the space of a month than they know what to do with.

For clarity, the term “heir and the spare” is hardly new and generally refers to how the “spare” is given less attention and training than the “heir.” The spare’s purpose is just to exist in the line of inheritance until they become even more irrelevant with the birth of further heirs. Of course it’s derisive.

I’d love to see that cage match level scuffle...

i cant be the only one who initially thought will ferrell was doing something in nyc eh

Well, now people can bully her with a clear conscience. Jesus Christ.

They might be two of the industries biggest flirts.

They could choose McCarthy or any speaker today and there will still be zero governance from a Republican house. Pointing and laughing is a valid reaction. Because these lunatics would be more destructive if they could get their act together.

I love that she got a bunch of young rappers who probably never got up before 12pm, to be at her house before 7. The absolute power of this woman is amazing.

There is a part of me that delights in their infighting, but also it would be cool to have one of the three main branches of the federal government be functional. If McCarthy can’t even get himself fucking elected because of these far-right dipshits how is he going any legislation passed?

I know we are supposed to be laughing at Republicans being divided and fucking everything up. But they have been operating this way since the Tea Party came in and created a split in 2010. They are blatantly disinterested in governing.  Full stop. And yet they hold the House.

Over 1500 executions in 50 years, and now murder is completely gone from our society. The death penalty sure is a strong deterrent!

she had filed but withdrew the divorce when he had his stroke so she coulod care for him. I remember because I thought that was pretty high minded/forgiving of her.

Let’s just call this what it is: Real Housewives of Congress.

“I’m a Florida man” - Matt Gaetz