
I don’t devote a lot of my memory to things like Kardashian marriages, but I also thought it was a lot shorter of a marriage. I assume that they were just separated for a long time before that divorce actually was official. But even so, if they were married in 2009 and the cheating/high video was in 2013, that still

That is more of a tech-bro market thing: the Elons and Joe Rogans convincing us that anyone can be a Steve Jobs or a Zuck if we hustle and grind enough. 

29 Palms is a part of socal desert (next to j tree) that is mostly for the military etc, Go jared

...and here I thought Ben Shapiro would never be seriously challenged for most laughable self-own ever.

When I first noticed this account, I asked the question: Troll, Bot or Bit?

Totally agreed. There’s not enough discussion or research on the multigenerational impacts of rape & sexual abuse. My mother was a survivor, and (despite being a wonderful parent overall) passed down some horrific messages about my body & sexuality that I later realized came from her own trauma of being raped as a

This sounds to me like Satanic-Panic-level moral panic, where there was a girl’s slumber party, some boys came over, and they got caught playing games like Truth or Dare or Spin the Bottle, and it blew up into OMG, they’re having sex!!!!!  Think of the story Ralf Wiggum spins after seeing Principal Skinner & Ms.

I had 2 muffs as a child, one was real rabbit fur and one was faux (I grew up in the ‘80s). They were both on a string that I wore around my neck. And while I looked adorable, any time I had to pull my hands out of the muff it was tragic. Minnesota winters are very cold.

Probably. People still go to see Louis CK.

I have a friend who was molested as a child, by a friend of her parents. Luckily, she was able to get out of the situation before the asshole went too far (by running out of her room and into her younger brother’s in the middle of the night). When she told her mom the next day, her reaction wasn’t to comfort her, or

Oh but I bet his shows will sell out.

I hate that I can’t listen to his old comedy records since they were so influential to my youth, but if I am not going to listen to him when he was in his prime, I’m sure as hell not going to listen to his old man rants.

Bill Cosby is a piece of shit rapist. I hope he chokes & dies today.

If there’s a dress code or uniform, shouldn’t she be paying for the clothing?

I mean, good luck to her kids in general, because holy shit.

No, no, I’m sure Buddha mentioned it, somewhere between the value of the buttlift and buying your four year-old a $100,000 handbag.

I’ve worked some shitty jobs in my life, but never one where I had to start the morning by arguing in the foyer about whether my outfit was beige enough to please Kimmie Bear. Poor bastards.

Yes. The Nazis did target “undesirables.” But you have to understand that that was racially motivated as well. National Socialism was a racial state and they designed policy to defend the race.

That's what I struggle to understand. Is it because people view alcohol as less harmful than opioids, for instance? I know a guy who's been addicted to pretty much everything in the planet, and he says he's clean and sober now, but he's asked me a few times to meet up with him and have a couple of beers. He absolutely

My partner has been in two separate elections for local office, and we did oppo research both times, but it honest to God never even crossed my mind to verify that his opponent actually attended college and law school. It never crossed my mind to check and see that his opponent actually worked at this massive law