
Dear God, I ask only for one thing in this life:

white lotus season 3 will have greg dead and tanya’s richass twin who took care of the greg and money situation show up to the resort.

Awards are political just as much as they are based on merit, and the push for Curtis is a legacy nomination for a legendary actress that has never had an Oscar nomination. The same reason why Pacino won for Scent of a Woman over Denzel’s Malcolm X. It’s what it is.

I hear you, but it seemed so clear in this case that the conservatorship was an extension of abuse and many ARE fraught with abuse. My argument isn’t that conservatorships are all inherently bad, but rather that this situation patently wasn’t appropriate for her as designed and from my view perhaps not necessary at

It’s truly incredible how quickly it fell from grace. I watched all 6 seasons and am still not sure how they screwed it up so bad after season 1. 

Every time I here about this show I’m shocked to hear it went on for six years when culturally it mostly felt like they were a one season show with an annoyingly popular Journey cover.

I’m just waiting for the entire “healthcare” system to collapse at this point.

I know a lot doctors, nurses, and EMTs, and I can say with complete certainty that healthcare is no different from any other service industry that interacts with the general public on a daily basis, in that it’s not remotely weird for service providers to talk shit about the customers (i.e.,

The problem I had with Harper’s character was that when she found the condom wrapper, she didn’t immediately hold it up and ask, “What’s with this?”

I find it amazing that people simply will NOT admit this is a woman who has a pretty severe mental illness and that those around her who love her are trying to let her live her life, but also protect her from....well...herself.

Yes! All those #freeBritney fans are now the same ones demanding that she perform for them on their terms! Idk, but if I had hundreds of millions of dollars and nothing but free time, I’d just do my own thing and not tell anyone but my closest friends about my life. Sorry, but in my fantasy world no one needs to know

For my sistas in the Bay Area, UCSF has the Black Wellness Clinic which has all Black providers, staff and students.

I know a nurse manager who was just laid off because her workplace was bought out and the new owners were drastically reducing labor to be more profitable. Of course, for the last year she’s been working 60 hour weeks because they’re already understaffed since the last buyout did the same thing.

Of course, Spears has a persistent, charming history of off-the-wall social media posts

it seemed perfectly in character, her biggest downfall is her ability to completely lose her sense of self the moment anyone shows her affection. She is desperate for any type of love, and her moments of clarity were those brief times she was able to be self aware.

One of the big refrains during the discussion about freeing her from her conservatorship was that it wasn’t that she’s totally fine and not dealing with some mental health issues, but that these shouldn’t necessitate a conservatorship.

I think some folks are probably still missing that. I imagine that her mental health

I think it IS time to leave Britney alone. 

Her fans can't accept that the old Britney isn't coming back and that she is very unwell 

For a while I hung out with a bunch of ladies who worked in nursing homes. The takeaway was nobody actually wants to take care of you or anybody else and the jobs are awful, but they took the job because it is better than a low-level service job and requires not that much training/education. 

It think this finale should have also put Meghann Fahy in the running. The change in her face when talking to Ethan was a masterclass.