It’s almost as if I’ve offended SF’s unhinged leftists
It’s almost as if I’ve offended SF’s unhinged leftists
I must be the only person around that can not stand Jennifer Coolidge’s Mr. Snuffleupagus voice and constant sucking on tart lemons between takes face?!? As beautiful as the locations were and the actors gave it their best but the script was trying to be operatic but came off as soap operatic instead. This season was…
Yeah, I might’ve liked Tanya’s storyline more as a black comedy if it was all a big misunderstanding and she ended up killing a bunch of people and herself over nothing.
God her face-acting alone, I don’t know how she does it.
My thought: Is learning how to shoot a mandatory Rich People Thing? Like Amber Gemstone?
That part had me absolutely howling in laughter. This dying, scheming queen trying to pull himself up on to a couch and all of a sudden finds himself being interrogated by his near-victim and it’s about if Greg is.... having an affair.
One is not born knowing how to murder 5-8 persons.
Aubrey Plaza is getting the buzz, but Meghann Fahy turned in a great performance, one of the best of the group, IMO.
The ending would have been so much better without the “murder bag” reveal. I liked that they were making it a little ambiguous about whether they were really trying to kill her, or just preparing to ask her for money. Not to mention she’d be more more likely to shoot her own foot than successfully shoot three or four…
In this post-Succession world, eat-the-rich satire is a dime a dozen - but where else can you find Jennifer Coolidge massacring a group of gay mobsters?
Yeah, Daphne’s visceral reaction to Ethan’s news was the best scene in the episode. She was so hurt not only because Cam cheated on her again, but because Harper betrayed her in a sense. She tried to hard to have a girl friend in Harper, but Harper betrayed her, just like all of the other girls.
I don't believe Tonya was even smart enough to take the safety off the gun, let alone hit and kill everyone.
Personally was disappointed by this episode. So much of what happened feels hollow in retrospect based on the outcomes. Cameron ultimately was a nothing-character. The show hinted that he may have financial problems or something nefarious in mind. But nope, he’s just a d-bag to such a degree that it’s amazing that…
Going into this ep, knowing she’d seen Greg’s picture and heard Greg’s phone calls and saw the uncle f***er in action, I was thinking, “maybe Tanya has hidden layers?”
It’s always been Stefan for my, but I’ve had a sweet spot for goofy bi-sexual eurotrash irl so it fits.
Chrissy Metz come to my mind.
I really don’t like standup where the comedian seems mean-spirited towards their partner, always put me off.
Ah, it takes more than that for me. Give me an impression of Alan Alda DOING an impression of Richard Feynman!
Do not besmirch his Alda by calling it merely “good”.
Welp, you can congratulate yourself on having an even worse take than the writer, so you at least have one thing going for you.