
guess it’s just a big coincidence how much she resembles Amy Coney Barrett...

They’re not for less government, at all. What they want is unfettered capitalism and no labor or environmental protections, or better yet, laws that outlaw protections for labor and environment, anything they see as getting in the way of rich people making more money. But they want to legislate the fuck out of being

I’m a believing person and try not to swear too much but JESUS H. CHRIST what is wrong with these people? I thought repubs were supposed to be all about less government so what are they doing in my, or anyone else’s lady business?

She just wants to be one of the popular girls.

yes and quite a few of those boys were and are being sexually assaulted as children too. ive seen those boys working, in fact Scamazon is in deep shit not just for being antiunion but for using their labor “company” to build construction. those boys are doing hard farm work putting together irrigation pivots and other

I also don’t subscribe to the bullshit that people who work long hours are better workers. It usually means that these people don’t delegate even though they don’t know what they’re doing.

Both Christian Bale and Tom Cruise would like a word. 

I’ve been reading news about this movie for weeks...?.... months...? Seems like forever. I realized something kinda shocking today.

Haven’t seen the movie and probably won’t. BUT, I read these spoilers and I’m struck by something.

Based on the description, there is no fucking way Harry Styles, at this stage of his career and acting journey, is ready to play that role. He could very well have a Sinatra or Harry Connick type future - handsome and

Because the US is a litigious society and a waiver is proof that the patient has been informed of the risks and accepts them.  Look at the amounts of money that have been awarded in previous medical malpractice cases and think about why a drug company and/or doctor might want to avoid such things.

It’s clearly labeled on the merchandise and it’s also been widely publicized that smoking and drinking during pregnancy are dangerous. Also store employees are not advising whether or not you should use smoking or booze as medical treatment. Those scenarios are not the same

OKOK I haven’t watched the film but that last pic of the woman in the desert correlates 100% with something I commented it on Jezebel years and years ago about how the girls in the FLDS religion can’t get away because they can’t even walk away they’re literally on a hot desert road where you could suffer from high

I don’t need to feel bad for 1950s housewives because I feel bad for present-day housewives whose husbands don’t feel that they should have to lift a finger to cook, clean, or child rear because they’re a “provider” and their wife is actually just laid up “eating bon bons” all day.

Now playing

Is anyone out there old enough (like me) to remember when SNL had Dana Carvey do Prince Charles right after the tampon thing? Such quality.

The waiver is an accountability tool for both the doctor and the patient. It would mean the patient cant sue but it also holds doctors accountable for explaining the risks of the medication. 

The level of small dick energy here could collapse a star.

It’s not surprising though. Anti-choice doctors often have their own agendas. I know because I have a cousin who is one. And this isn’t uncommon. And citing Roe v. Wade in this case is ridiculous because this happened in New York state, not a red state that banned abortion.

While a student at Stanford in the early 2000s, Gibbs created a “thinktank” that he called the Society for the Critique of Feminism.

Where does the QOP get these loonies? Do they special order them?

“Staff member”