
Dude, this poor woman has been to hell (and back, apparently). How could you not be aware, and how are you not weeping for her? A very rich lady got called on her shit and found out there were consequences for it. You unfeeling monster. /s

Comeback tour to what? I didn’t even know that she had a career or had disappeared for that matter.

These are all way better if you read them in a shaky falsetto.

“You are fifty times hotter in person...And so am I hahahah

Never saw that one.  My one thing I really like that involved Adam Levine is Lonely Island’s “YOLO” song/music video.

Just don’t judge whatever a victim’s family says, okay? Their 18 year old daughter/sister was strangled to death and some white lady journalist made it the world’s entertainment. Imagine being put through that. It’s a lot to expect them to be super-rational about it all. Also not clear what the rational interpretation

New Instahoes!

Begin Again! Love that movie. 

He definitely cheated with her and others.

My parents weren’t even religious, and my sister’s and my entire upbringing was focused around avoiding sex and men. My mother terrified the two of us with a bunch of sex Ed nonsense that wasn’t true, and if we did “do something stupid and get pregnant,” we were getting abortions.

Like I need another reason to burn this motherfucker to ground.


I think it’s supposed to come across as a stupid, foolish idea on his part, which he’s proposing more to ease his own self-loathing over being feeling soiled by the affair than out of real love for Rhaenyra.

I do think it’s odd that both paramours seemed so unaware of the realities of sleeping with an heir. No idea why Criston thought Rhaenyra would find the concept of running away from her inheritance appealing (especially because she’d have to leave her dragon behind - it’s hard to hide in the Free Cities when you own a

Well now! Some instagram model gains a few hundred thousand followers so she can get propelled into a new tax bracket. 

Who could have guessed THAT guy was a douchebag?

I mean other than his look, “music”, vibe, when he speaks, how he conducts himself in public, etc. What were the signs?!

I can’t stop laughing when imagining that internal discussion Levine would have had before sending a message like that.

But nothing branded as a GoT product is ever going to be terribly hopeful or joyful. The horrible shit that makes the world feel gross and unsafe, is the whole point. Crossing lines most other shows sand movies won’t, is the point—“good taste” be damned, America wants it medieval grim dark torture porn.

Not snuffed out - not to get too spoilery, but Criston Cole is around in the book for quite a long while after this.

I’ve seen a bunch of pictures of Kate these days, and she looks miserable when she’s not fake smiling. The one with her and Tom Cruise at the Mission Impossible premiere? Yikes but I’ll cut her slack on that because he’s nucking futz.