“The model told the real story about the loss of her son Jack two years ago, which she previously understood to be a miscarriage”.
“The model told the real story about the loss of her son Jack two years ago, which she previously understood to be a miscarriage”.
If I heard a neighbor of mine willingly sent their child to a school run by Kanye they had to sign an NDA to get into I’d find myself wondering whether I have an ethical duty to call CPS for a welfare check. Like it’s less the school itself (like it or not parents have the right to try and indoctrinate their kids into…
So what? Doesn’t mean he’s not a racist. Strom Thurmond was a virulent racist who fathered a child with black housekeeper; the GOP don't understand things like nuance or dissonance.
I was very surprised they didn’t at least link that article, given that it’s easily one of the best pieces of writing ever published on the site.
Short kings exist aplenty in the world of riches and privilege. But some lesser known tech bros, finance guys, actors, and wealthy soft bois are going to extreme lengths to leave their short king status behind for the new shiny mantle of…slightly taller king.
Well, I can say from the other end of the spectrum (I’m 6'8") - the world certainly isn’t bending for me; based on the amount of shit I hit my head on...
Memories are strange. The way she was talked about (and specifically this performance) colored how I remembered it. Then I rewatched it and thought oh wait, she doesn’t look nearly as “bad” as I remember. She looks fine. She didn’t have the same body she had when she was 17, which makes sense cuz this performance was…
They clearly both need professional help. The thing that strikes me about the Britney/Kanye parallel, though, is that even when that dude was shooting off batshit instagram posts every day and literally threatening to kill people, nobody ever tried to put Kanye under a conservatorship. I wonderrrrrr what the…
congrats on getting the help. It can be a very slow hard struggle. And as you note, if there’s no insight into the problem, it’s basically impossible for it to improve
exactly why the previous conservatorship screwed her so badly. She rightly has distrust of anyone trying to help her.
I know it’s Jezebel’s thing to be all edgy and whatnot, but Ryan Reynolds should be applauded for streaming his colonoscopy, not made fun of. Younger people are being diagnosed with colon cancer at alarming rates (my husband was 34 - he’s thankfully cancer free now) and anything that encourages people to get their…
Slightly related. Recently I rewatched the infamous Gimme More performance of 2007, which was obviously not up to the Britney performance standards we the public had been used to. She was just going through the motions, not even attempting to believably lip sync, very much when you just show up to work and do the…
I have a lot of empathy for Brit, having been forced into psych hospitals, blacked mailed into getting electroshock which has left with me memory and concentration issues. That said, I’m sick of seeing so many of her stans twisting themselves to defend all her shitty behavior. The shit she said about her kids, and…
Maybe unpopular, but 2 things can be true:
I’m disappointed Better Call Saul didn’t win anything. Bob played three characters and nearly died while filming, and Rhea had her best season yet. Not to mention, the writing, directing, and filmography was stellar.
I mean, it is annoying that her first big Emmy win and all the pictures of her speech have Jimmy Kimmel lying on the floor next to her but besides that, eh. I am surprised that Only Murders didn’t win ANYTHING at last nights ceremony. Idk why anyone would have been surprised Selena wasn’t nominated because she can’t…
*Lloyd Christmas dry heaving here*
How do we know? LOL
Saw Beanie ion Broadway and she did fine. Despite the reviews, her voice actually carried really well. Never saw the movie, but i know Streisand, and well no one can replicate that.
Thank you so much for sharing this story, Prachi. This is the most incisive and heartfelt reporting I’ve ever read.